STRKNG Photography Blog

Vote for the Cover of STRKNG Editors’ Selection – #31

Vote for the Cover of STRKNG Editors' Selection - #31 - Blog-Beitrag von  STRKNG / 03.04.2019 16:34

Please help us to find the next cover image for our issue "STRKNG Editors’ Selection – #31" and comment with your favorite image number.

1) »LIZ« – © FotobySG

2) »Selbstkonfrontation« – © Model Emily / Jo Schwab

3) »Liebe zu Zeiten der Pest« – © Model ca_me_fait_rever / Rainer Gilessen

4) »Loreley« – © Katja Kemnitz

5) © Maure

6) »painting with shadows« – © Valeria Schettino

7) »V.« – © Pierre_Bykol

8) »Herbstspaziergang« – © Dasha Riley

9) »proof of life« – © Narnya Imbrin

Voting ends Sunday 07th April 23:55h MET

Teilnehmer: Model ca_me_fait_rever / Fotografin Dasha Riley / Model Emily / Fotograf FotobySG / Fotografin Katja Kemnitz / Fotograf Maure / Fotografin Narnya Imbrin / Fotograf Pierre_Bykol / Fotografin Valeria Schettino

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