STRKNG Photography Blog

Back to Life – Pandemic City (Part 2)

Back to Life - Pandemic City (Part 2) - Blog-Beitrag von Fotografin Deborah Swain / 10.07.2021 13:49

When I first started photographing the streets of Rome during the pandemic for my 20/20 vision project, my primary interest was to record people, and the behavioural differences being played out on the streets in these strange times of social distancing and lockdown.

I live very close to the Vatican City, an area full of businesses that depend on tourism for their very survival. It’s a busy area which is usually thronging with crowds. Now there are many shuttered shop fronts, and permanently closed restaurants. Tourism is still predominately domestic at time of writing, but very recently, as restrictions slowly lift, there are suddenly more people on the streets. The atmosphere is charged again with an albeit faint buzz of human activity and renewed energy. I hope these recent photographs convey this.

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