STRKNG Photography Blog


Being there. The sights, sounds, smells remain yet are not clear. They are imprinted in the mind as a moment and a memory.

Studies in the area of cognitive studies show that the mind categorises time in 3 different ways; from 0-1 seconds is an instant in time, from 2-3 seconds is a moment and a compilation of moments creates a memory. Photography is unique in the way that it freezes time, or instants, which our mind is unable to do. The aim of the this project is to document our brain’s definition of moments, much like what a painter does with an empty canvas. Moments, being a sum of all our senses, add an extra depth to the photographs.

If photography is a "fossilisation of time" (Hiroshi Sugimoto), then photography can be an imprint of the human psyche and time lost to neural decay.

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