STRKNG Photography Blog

Vote for the Cover of STRKNG Editors’ Selection – #37

Vote for the Cover of STRKNG Editors' Selection - #37 - Blog-Beitrag von  STRKNG / 07.11.2019 11:00

Please help us to find the next cover image for our issue "STRKNG Editors’ Selection – #37" and comment with your favorite image number.

1 »fünfhausen« © grethe_mn / Alexander Urban

2 »EmiNoPointes« © Pawel Kufel 6×6

3 »THE SAME« © Martin Neuhof

4 »Cherchez la femme« © Dorotheya

5 »Elaine« © Luminea

6 »***« © Anka Zhuravleva

7 »Sleepover (2016)« © Cameron Schiller

8 »withinthecupboard« © grethe_mn / Anna Försterling

9 »Mia« © lechiam

Please use the number in the comment.

Only one vote per person. Thank you!

Voting ends Wednesday 13th November 23:55h MET

Teilnehmer: Fotografin Anka Zhuravleva / Fotografin Anna Försterling / Fotograf Cameron Schiller / Model grethemabon / Fotograf lechiam / Fotograf Luminea / Fotograf Martin Neuhof / Fotograf Paweł Kufel 6×6

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