STRKNG Editors’ Selection – #39

STRKNG Editors' Selection - #39 - Blog-Beitrag von  STRKNG / 24.01.2020 22:09

100 striking images · 2019-01-29 – 2019-03-04

Cover: »Lay Down« | © Photographer Martha Sturm

Many Thanks to the contributors:

alessandra scalogna· alex jost· alexander steger· andrea grzicic· angélini candice· ani levottomuus· annemarie römer· atemlos träumen· axakadam· axel schneegass· benedikt ernst· blue_doves_photographs· bogdan bousca· brianselener· carlos odeh· christoph ruhrmann· christoph thiele· colin· cordula kelle-dingel· cyanidemishka· daniel hammelstein· daniel.nartschick· denis behrens· dennis ramos· dirk kultus· dr. b· edition· emqi· erikgigengack· frida fotografie· gabienne· gaspard noël· gutenbild· hamedphotography· hans krum· holger dülken· ilya netyosov· ine· jenny theobald· jo grabowski· joachim alt· johan verhulst· jot m.· julien jegat· kai mueller· kantorka· knas· lilelu· lili cranberrie· lola· luca stella· marc von martial· marek juras· maria kappatou· marinksy· marko polonio· martha sturm· massimiliano balo’· matthew whitewall· maxim kashuro· michael becker· michael wittig· naenzieh· nasos karabelas· natascha biermann photographie· nikolaus krandiek· nonkonform· ovors· panibe· peter heidel· philippe galanopoulos· piet.sommer· r t· radoslaw pujan· ralph derksen fotografie· ralph wietek· renate wasinger· riccardo bandiera· risu· ruben· sandrino donnhauser· sandro mosco· schnaps & schuss· selda photography· sermon fortapelsson· supersteech· thomas pietrowski· torsten gajda· yens franke· yulkin evgenij· zuzana krajci· zwischensequenz

Teilnehmer: Fotografin Martha Sturm

Dovile on film

Dovile on film - Blog-Beitrag von Fotograf mika-ef / 21.01.2020 01:40

Dovile on the balkony in November

I followed Dovile since quite a time, she is such an interesting model,

with a variety of moods and looks

and by accident we were in Berlin at the same time last November.

Long time I didn’t really use my hasselblad 6×6 and took it for this shooting

cause I couldnt carry the large camera.

I am happy about the results and used it much more since then.

Thank you Dovile!

Teilnehmer: Model DovileParis