new inspiring collab with the lovely Neytiri O.
Month: January 2020
In my room.
In the skate park
Lena is one of the greatest models, I worked with. She is absolutely natural and completely fine with her body. For her, nudity seems like a natural state. So she was the perfect pick for a series I had in the back of my mind for long: I wanted to portrait youth on a lazy afternoon. What do you do after school, after university or when you even don’t want to Netflix… One major aspect was not to have a model in the usual pseudo-sexy poses, but an authentic young woman. She even proposed she could wet her hair in a huge puddle.
(We had a similar shoot in a parking lot – I will put that up later…)
Szene Ruhrort
Mit Ellen eine Kalte Tag shooting gemacht .
Aber wenn die Bilder sehe dann als 30 Grad gewesen .
Ellen :