Da lieb ich mich doch erstmal selber…

Da lieb ich mich doch erstmal selber... - Blog-Beitrag von Fotograf Torsten Falk / 18.08.2020 20:49

Bis Anfang Juni empfand ich es als absolut verantwortungslos, während der Pandemie mit einem Model durch die Stadt zu ziehen.

Und ganz ehrlich, Portraits mit einem gefühlten Quadratmeter Stoff im Gesicht sind nicht wirklich sexy.

Deswegen aber zu Hause, oder gar vor dem Fernseher (habe keinen!) zu sitzen, war auch keine Lösung.


Da fiel mir ein alter Songtext von Udo Lindenberg ein: Da lieb ich mich doch erstmal selber, I love me. Ich lieb mich einfach unvorstellbar, I love me. Drum prüfe, bevor man sich so radikalo bindet, dass man sich selber erstmal Spitze findet… (ohne googlen und daher ohne Gewähr).

Lange Rede, kurzer Sinn – bin also mit meinen analogen Kameras los und habe mehrere !!! Rollen Selfies geschossen.

Und, was soll ich sagen, man(n) fühlt sich wieder wie Siebzehn.

Okay, 29 😀

Editors’ Selection – #44

Editors' Selection - #44 - Blog-Beitrag von  STRKNG / 18.08.2020 10:54

100 striking images · 2019-08-05 – 2019-09-09

Cover: »I am alive, I guess« © Tunguska.RdM

Many thanks to the contributors

35mm· @carsten.vogt· aleksandra kirievskaya· andrea passon· andy komoll· anna försterling· anna wiedemann· arber· axakadam· aylen hervaz· benzin daniela· blackstation· blue_doves_photographs· boris bethge· capturedonstreet· carlo magenis· carlos odeh· chris w. braunschweiger· christian fuhrmann· christoph ruhrmann· christophe cormier· claudio taras· clipskills· daniel hammelstein· dietmar sebastian fischer· dirk rohra· dirkbee· ent.art.et· fabrizio massetti· ganesh devarajan· giacomo canavese· gilles· greggory wood· gruford· hetocy· holger nitschke· hud1ai2· iamklickklick· inteus· jo grabowski· jo lunenburg· joachim alt· joe hogan· josch· jot m.· juri bogenheimer· kamera_maedchen· kostiantyn baran· la bestia incontrolable· lagowski_photo· lilith terra· louisfernandezphotography.com· lysann· l‘ocean gris· mario von oculario· mark emerson hamilton· martin peterdamm· martin treml· maxim maximov· małgorzata sajur· michael falkner· nasos karabelas· natalia rossi· neram06· oleggewie· olli gräf· perezful· peter michaelis· pwb-fotografie.de· radoslaw pujan· rafael s.· rafal krol· rdmsht· renke bargmann· rob linsalata· sabine gassner· samsara ilknur donmez· schieflicht· seenext.de· sergey sivushkin· streetsixtysix· thomas lottermoser· thomas maenz· tulipe· tunguska.rdm· ugrandolini· ulfleuteritz· uwe korb· uwe leininger· valou perron…photography…· walter eckardt· willi schwanke

Teilnehmer: Fotograf Tunguska.RdM

Christine: my lioness model

Christine: my lioness model - Blog-Beitrag von Fotograf ugo grandolini / 18.08.2020 10:22

I got in touch with Christine last February, a couple of weeks before leaving for Copenhagen to attend a workshop. Since the beginning of my path in photography, every time I travel, I try to organise some shootings with models who are living in the places I visit.

So, after posting a casting in a model site I got quite a few requests and started to do my selection. I couldn’t help but noticing some scars on the body of one of the models that applied, Christine, and I immediately started brainstorming about how to create some glamour images with her…

If you follow what I’m doing, you know about my “Outer & Inner Beauty” concept: to me, Christine was the perfect model to represent it. So I took the courage and asked her if she was ready to tell me her story and also to work with me.

She sensed my good will and immediately accepted to work together!

Here is a condensed version of her story for you and all the women that does not like themselves just because of minor physical ‘imperfections’ and for those who doesn’t like themselves because of their partners, or anyone else for that matter, that keep denigrating them for this or that reason. I know of many beautiful Angels out there that have gone ( or are going) through this kind of situations.

Back to Christine, it happened on June, 10th 2014. She was driving back home after leaving her grandma’s funeral with her parents and her sister in their car on a freeway close to Allershausen (north of Munich, Germany).

Their parents were on the front seat, Ursula (her sister) was behind her dad, who was driving the car and Christine was behind her mother, on the right back seat.

It was a sunny day and at a certain point Ursula was annoyed with the sun and asked Christine to exchange seats… so they did.

About ten minutes later, the car crashed into a truck that had suddenly stopped: dad died in the crash. As only the left side of the car was crashed, Christine’s mom and sister only suffered small injuries like scratches and a concussion.

A helicopter came to rescue Christine and the rest of the family to the closest hospital.

Christine suffered life-threatening lung and brain injuries -she even had to be revived three times that day – and after many hours of surgery Christine was in a coma for three weeks and had to remain in the hospital for three long months.

Doctors said that Christine probably couldn’t get trough… but they didn’t know that Christine was a lion: her soul was so strong and she had a lot of plans for her future and no intention at all not to comply with them!

So after three months, Christine left the hospital, slowly started to get back on her feet and now, after six years, she is living and following her dreams.

Christine is such a beauty; we connected so well during the shooting that It was sad having to come to the end that night (the day after I had to get up early for the workshop). However, we agreed to meet again in the future to create more images together.

Little we knew that after a couple of days the entire world will come to what we all now know.

I’m grateful I started this path in photography not only because of the joy in learning something new, but also because I get to know the story behind each of the women who are going to be part of the work, and that gives me the opportunity to grow a little bit more as a person mainly. And when you find your way with the camera, it also shows the world what moves your soul and who you are.

I cannot wait to organise another session with Christine and, I will definitely organize a session with Ursula as well some time in the future!

Are you curious to see what we will produce next?

The feeling of Social Distancing

The feeling of Social Distancing - Blog-Beitrag von Fotograf Jörg Oestreich / 17.08.2020 20:32

The feeling of social distancing

2020, der Frühling wird sehnsüchtig erwartet. Und dann ist es da, Covid-19 der Virus. Niemand kann und will sich darauf einlassen Menschen zu treffen denen er nicht vertraut. Überall Masken, Distanz und selbst das kleinste Husten lässt einen zusammenzucken. Die Angst begleitet einen. Viele verkriechen sich in häuslicher Isolation – selbst auferlegte Quarantäne.

Der einzige Ausweg ist das Meer oder der Wald. Ein kleines Stück Freiheit in einer Welt aus Misstrauen und Distanz.

Eine neue kleine sichere Welt die sich erschließt und die es bis hierher für Städter nur aus Erinnerungen vom Pilzesammeln und aus Kindertagen gab.

In einer anderen Geschichte habe ich mich gefragt ob wir jemals zurückfinden. Heute bin ich davon überzeugt das es bleibt – Dieses sonderbare Gefühl von sozialer Distanz- J.O.

Observation on The Saddest Girl on Earth

Observation on The Saddest Girl on Earth - Blog-Beitrag von Fotograf constantYearing / 17.08.2020 17:39

Writing here is a bit like diary-writing. It’s more reflexive than posting stuff in a blog, because you never know if anyone reads your thoughts. I’ll pour them out anyways:

There’s one image I made that really grew dear to me, but it just got one tiny single like. And I wonder why so. This photo is definitely not meant to be sexy or erotic, even if it is obviously revealing. I’ll tell you what I like about it.

I think the colors are really nice and create that beautiful contrast out of the strong red lingerie and the muted greenish-yellow background.

The scarce unadorned hotel room plays perfectly together with that sad skeptic but open look of the model. She’s posing in vulnerable way, but you can guess this woman is not a victim. The slight blur even adds to that.

And, then, the light in my opinion is beautiful. I used ambient light supported by a tiny hint of flash. So the body is drawn perfectly, just a few reflections on camera right.

What shall I say: I really like the picture.

(This is not meant to draw more likes to the image. I just wanted share my thoughts.)