I look into my glass

I look into my glass - Blog-Beitrag von Fotografin nva_blossom / 18.02.2021 11:43

I look into my glass,

And view my wasting skin,

And say, ‘Would God it came to pass

My heart had shrunk as thin!’

For then I, undistrest

By hearts grown cold to me,

Could lonely wait my endless rest

With equanimity.

But Time, to make me grieve,

Part steals, lets part abide;

And shakes this fragile frame at eve

With throbbings of noontide.

(Thomas Hardy)

#9 dream

#9 dream - Blog-Beitrag von Fotograf Andreas Puhl / 16.02.2021 19:40

These are the pictures that took my attention when I first went through the pictures I’ve made. I marked them, and edited them immediately after the shooting. Initially there where fifteen Photos, butbut this blog is only for nine pictures, so so Had to kick six of them.

Which one is your favourite, tell me at andreaspuhl@me.com

Winter im Stadthafen Recklinghausen

Bevor die Schneeschmelze anfing, hab ich mir den Sonnenaufgang im Recklinghäuser Stadthafen angeguckt. Dabei hatte ich natürlich auch den Winter im Focus. Der alte Turmdrehkran, übrigens ein technisches Baudenkmal, ist halt generell ein Fotomotiv wert. Bei so einer Fotoserie versuche ich auch eins / zwei Bilder in schwarz-weiß, bzw. in einer "künstlerischen" Fotobearbeitung zu zeigen. Bei dieser Serie sind allerdings nur sw Bilder dabei.

Interpolate – The Future Body

Interpolate - The Future Body - Blog-Beitrag von Fotograf Apetura Dance Photography / 15.02.2021 07:52

London Dance Photographer Apetura collaborated with Architect and Dancer, Angelina Papachatzaki in this unique project. Apetura photographed Angelina wearing the device to showcase the independence and inter-dependence of body and device and the sensation of movement and touch from skin and metal.

Materials, code and body will become one. Body Augmentation will push us to our boundaries and will extend our senses.

Interpolate was developed by Angelina Papachatzaki as part of the research thesis of MArch Design for Performance and Interaction at The Bartlett School of Architecture, UCL.

Inspired by the contemporary dance technique of contact improvisation, the wearable attempts to simulate the sensation of touch on the bodies of the performer and audience members. Interpolate explores possibilities around the puppetry of the self and of others, but attempts to represent trust and empathy between dancer and audience rather than domination and control.

This is one of the most unique and inspiring projects I have been involved in. During the shoot it was necessary to portray Angelina’s movement and dancing as well as the structure and detail of the device.