Double Exposures w/ Anaïs Dior

Double Exposures w/ Anaïs Dior - Blog-Beitrag von Fotograf Curtis Joe Walker / 23.05.2021 03:55

I used my Lomography Instant Wide to create these images using Instax wide film in color and monochrome. I shot these at my studio, Photo Bang Bang, using the Cyclorama/Infinity Cove setup. Anaïs is a professional model I hired and this was our first shoot together. I am using Paul C Buff Einsteins for lighting in these photos. The Lomo camera has a PC sync for studio strobes as well as a setting for multiple exposures.

When I compose these shots, I never know exactly what I am going to get because the camera viewfinder is quite offset from the lens. It’s hard to know what it sees, and when I flip the camera upside-down to get the second shot, the lens finder limitation is more apparent. It’s kind of an instinctual setup once one gets used to the camera. It’s become my favorite camera to shoot, but even more so when it’s not being temperamental.

I have completely worn out one of these cameras from shooting and I am starting to get some problems from the one I am using now. It is starting to give me some problems ejecting the first few images from the pack. I am hoping I don’t have to replace it, but It’s getting very annoying to use. I have to open the back and fiddle around with the pack while trying to get whatever magic things that happens to make the film load through the rollers.

Fuji is actively making their Instax instant film, and it’s easy to get. I prefer to buy mine from B&H Camera, who seem to have the best prices in the USA. They also sell the Lomography camera I am using for this shoot.

I have a large archive of my work available on my webpage for people who subscribe to my Patreon.

young girl

young girl - Blog-Beitrag von Fotograf Andreas Puhl / 21.05.2021 18:48

These pictures were taken on a very hot and humid summer day in August 2020 in a loft in the center of Cologne. In another blog post from the same shoot you can see the fan that ran during the entire shoot to provide at least a little refreshment.