Fashion Beauty headshots with Katy

Fashion Beauty headshots with Katy - Blog-Beitrag von Fotograf Curtis Joe Walker / 29.06.2021 02:45

I worked with Model Katy Mahon and Make Up Artist Sam Freezy to create this bedazzled photo shoot inspired by the work of @kimberleymargarita_ on Instagram.

This is a lighting setup that I really love, but it is complex with 6+ light sources to set up, inspired by the work of Jill Greenberg. The key light is a ring flash and I have a beauty dish directly above the model. A single gridded light is creating a spot on the background, rather than lighting the entire backdrop. I think I may have skipped the backlights/rim lights for these shots, so I guess I was cheating on the number of light sources.

I like to shoot film whenever I shoot, alongside the digital shots. I used a Mamiya RB67 and Fuji FP-100C Pack Film to create the instant shots. I wish the polaroid back for the camera created images that were centered, but it’s always a treat toe see the juicy bokeh on the 150MM Soft Focus Lens I pair with the camera.

One year of publications on magazines 2020

One year of publications on magazines 2020 - Blog-Beitrag von Fotograf ugo grandolini / 28.06.2021 16:48

All my images published in 2020 in International Magazines: 254 pages, more than 200 images, 20 models.

Now available on Amazon!

24 hours after publication it is already ranked third in the Amazon Italy “Nude photography" bestsellers list!

Germany EUR 14,99

USA USD 19,90

France EUR 14,99

UK GBP 14,29

España EUR 14,90

Italy EUR 14,99

Vote for the Cover of STRKNG Editors’ Selection – #53

Vote for the Cover of STRKNG Editors' Selection - #53 - Blog-Beitrag von  STRKNG / 28.06.2021 16:12

1) © Photographer Laurent Askienaz

2) © Photographer Alberto Monteraz

3) »asap« © Photographer Zwischensequenz

4) »Golden hills« © Photographer Fabrizio Massetti

5) »timelessness unfold« © Photographer Praise of light

6) »With himself« © Photographer Lili Cranberrie

7) »A*« © Photographer Maxime Broy

8) »Bregenz, #1« © Photographer Thomas Bichler

9) »Two« © Photographer Albert Finch

Please use the number in the comment.

Only one vote per person. Thank you!

Voting ends Tuesday 6th July 23:55h MET

Publication covers so far….

Teilnehmer: Fotograf Albert Finch / Fotograf Alberto Monteraz / Fotograf Fabrizio Massetti / Fotograf Laurent Askienazy / Fotografin Lili Cranberrie / Fotograf Praise of light / Fotograf Thomas Bichler / Fotograf Zwischensequenz

Britta as Charly by Hans Hoyer

Britta as Charly by Hans Hoyer - Blog-Beitrag von Model Britta / 24.06.2021 01:12

Ein Projekt mit Hans, entstanden aus einem tiefen Wunsch heraus.

Charly hat mich als Mensch und Darsteller schon immer fasziniert.

Gesagt, getan. Quer durch Hamburg sind wir gezogen und es ist eine wahre Bilderflut entstanden. Bilder, über die ich selbst staune. Hans Hoyer, hat ein solch wunderbares Auge für Perspektiven, Licht und Schatten. Ich hoffe, Ihr habt Freude mit der Serie.