Mal in Farbe

Mal in Farbe - Blog-Beitrag von Fotograf Andreas Ebner / 13.11.2021 23:00

Wenn der Herbst seine Farben ausbreitet und die Kühle übers Land streicht,

wenn das Grau dich einzuholen droht, die Nebel locken,

dann entscheide dich für die Farbe. Für Olive.

Olive bringt Leben in die Natur.

Sie füllt die Landschaft mit der noch fehlenden Farbe.

Sie vervollständigt das Bild.

Trotz starken Windes, trotz 8° Celsius bietet ihr Anblick Wärme.

Ob stolz, ob versteckt, ob im Wald, am Wasser oder am Strand:

Sie wird eins mit der Schöpfung.


the right stuff

the right stuff - Blog-Beitrag von Fotograf Andreas Puhl / 13.11.2021 09:28

I visited Yaya on a hot summer day in 2018. She just got home from a trip to Europe. All around her living room were the things she used for her trip, on the table, sofa, floor and chairs. And between all of her things her cat lay asleep, completely ignoring us. Originally we had planned to go outside and take pictures somewhere in the countryside. But I asked her if we could take some pictures in her apartment first. So we started with some portraits and didn’t stop for the whole shoot. Because of the fantastic light and the great atmosphere in your house, we lost the idea of going outside. And the kind of pictures I took totally hid the clutter around us.

A Street Photography vision

A Street Photography vision - Blog-Beitrag von Fotograf Alex Coghe / 12.11.2021 14:47

In constant visual provocation inside and outside myself.

A permanent condition of my being that leads me to constant communication between the internal and external world.

Doing street photography is part of me in every moment.

Far. Close. In a sort of justified distancing depending only on the photographic action required.

Expressions and gestures. The position of bodies in space.

The construction of the frame that passes through instants.

Vote for the Cover of STRKNG Editors’ Selection – #57

Vote for the Cover of STRKNG Editors' Selection - #57 - Blog-Beitrag von  STRKNG / 08.11.2021 12:18

Please help us to find the next cover image for our issue »STRKNG Editors’ Selection – #57«

1) »anewera« © Model grethemabon with ESPRIT CONFUS

2) »Elena in my room« © Photographer Rapha Nook

3) »on the wall« © Photographer Thomas Rossi with Luba

4) »Reborn« © Photographer romzesh

5) »Last picture of RIna« © Photographer Olaf Raymond Benold

6) »Gina Akt 1« © Photographer Thomas Freyer

7) »Vincent« © Photographer Knas with Vincent Littlehat

8) © Photographer Corado Stock

9) »Nocturne Hollandaise« © Photographer Rodislav Driben

Use only one number in the comment.

Only one vote per person. Thank you!

Voting ends Wednesday 17th November 23:55h MET

Publication covers so far….

Teilnehmer: Fotograf Corado Stock / Fotografin ESPRIT CONFUS / Model grethemabon / Fotograf Knas / Model Luba / Fotograf Olaf Raymond Benold / Fotograf Rapha Nook / Fotograf Rodislav Driben / Fotograf romzesh / Fotograf Thomas Freyer / Fotograf Thomas Rossi / Model Vincent Littlehat