rue | tanzsaal | 2o19
Month: July 2022
Closed eyes
light and shadow and red hair
Emilia (end of set)
schwarzerStrumpf I – IV
Riding dark angel
Thanks to Yvonne – check her photography:
the eye in the storm
Suse and myself in the middle of the storm. At the Baltic Coast, Darß. May 2022
Teilnehmer: Model Suse Kuestenkind / Suse
Arte Flamenco Festival 2022
damn the dark, damn the light
Very often it happens to me (I say it happens to me even though I do it of my own choice because after all I think I did it without using my mind) that I’m very enthusiastic about doing things while I take pictures and I think it could be great and special pictures. But after taking these pictures, I often realize that it was just a waste of time and I will never show these pictures to anyone. In this case I wasted most of my time taking photos with a beautiful 10 meter long piece of fabric. I have taken hundreds of pictures of Irina playing, posing, covering and wrapping herself in this fabric.
But in the end it’s the pictures where she just sits naked on a chair in the dark that I like the most.
I would like to show you more than this one picture, but one of my worst qualities is not being able to make decisions. So I couldn’t decide which pictures to show you, except for this two pictures.