lock me up

lock me up - Blog-Beitrag von Fotograf Andreas Puhl / 09.08.2022 11:32

With some women there’s connection over many years, its not like being friends, but we keep in touch and every now and then we meet to make pictures. It’s alway as if we met only a short time before. Even if it was years ago when we met last time. So it is with Julia, we first met in 2008 when she was the sidekick of an other model and we also took pictures. We always stayed in a loose contact until we met again in 2017 . This pictue is from anoter shoot in 2019 when we met in Bonn.

Iniatially I wanted to blog a series of picture, but due to a bug my posting got lost. So this posting is the surogate of it, because I don’t have enough time to restore what I’ve planned

polaroid girl

polaroid girl - Blog-Beitrag von Fotograf Andreas Puhl / 08.08.2022 22:43

During our first shoot, we also took pictures with the polaroid back for the Mamiya. Since I’m lazy, the camera was still standing around during our second shooting. Or I could also claim that I had prepared them especially as an accessory. But that’s not true, this huge camera is actually the totally bogus accessory for petite Antonia.Nevertheless, we took pictures with it. I accidentally stumbled across this image while looking for an image for the strkng blog. So here it is.


Street, Passion, Love

Street, Passion, Love - Blog-Beitrag von Fotograf Ralf Scherer / 08.08.2022 12:22

Straßenfotografie hat für mich nicht nur mit Bildern zu tun. Es ist dass sich fallen lassen in einer unbekannten Großstadt. Die Alltagssorgen zu Hause lassen und der Entspannung viel Raum zum entfalten geben. Sich treiben lassen umgeben von andersartigen Eindrücken von Menschen, Gerüchen, Sprache, Kleidung und Architektur. Das alleine sein und der ständige Dialog mit sich selbst, wer bin ich und warum tue ich das? Die Offenheit für Menschen, Kontakten und neuen Freundschaften.

Das sind die Zutaten die ich brauche um Herz und Augen zu öffnen um die Momente festzuhalten die ich meinen gewohnten Alltag sonst nicht sehen würde.

Weder Marketingstrategie, rationales handeln oder Irgendein „Camera Brand“ könnte diesen Zustand erzeugen oder reproduzieren. Diese Fotos hier sind eine kleine Auswahl von meinem Trip nach Madrid im Juli 2022.

Streetfotografie ist für mich eine sehr persönliche Reise über Leben, Menschen, Liebe, Frieden und Kunst.

All you need is love ❤️




OneBodyOnePurpose - Blog-Beitrag von Fotograf Joe Hogan / 05.08.2022 13:45

The CobosMika contemporary dance company attracts young dances from all over Europe and even further afield to train and develop their skills at their centre in Vall-Llobrega on the Costa Brava in Catalonia, Spain. I have the pleasure and honour to be able to attend rehearsals and performances and photograph their work. In this piece, the dancers are in physical contact as one body from the beginning to the end. I captured this section by dragging the shutter as they spun faster and faster as they danced. I am happy with the result, the momentum, the joy, the abandon of so many bodies at once individual, also as one.