Holger Nitschke | Analog Portrait&Fashion VIDEOPORTRAIT

Holger Nitschke | Analog Portrait&Fashion VIDEOPORTRAIT - Blog-Beitrag von Fotograf Holger Nitschke / 03.09.2023 14:27


A film about my portrait and fashion photography, film developing and darkroom printing.

Lutz Michen (thank you so much!!) took this video-portrait from me this summer.

In addition to an interview, this film gives you an exclusive look at how I work, from planning the shoot to the finished darkroom print.

Enjoy 🙂


Ein Film über meine analoge Portrait und Fashion Fotografie, Filmentwicklung und Dunkelkammer Printentwicklung.

Lutz Michen (vielen vielen Dank an dieser Stelle!!) drehte dieses Video-Portrait über meine analogen Arbeiten im Sommer 2023.

Neben einem Interview gibt Euch dieser Film einen exklusiven Einblick in meine Arbeitsweise von der Planung des Shootings bis zum fertigen Dunkelkammerabzug.

Verstecker Kampf

Verstecker Kampf - Blog-Beitrag von Fotograf Andreas Ebner / 02.09.2023 17:58

Der innere Kampf bleibt verborgen. Niemand sieht, wie du dich abmühst. Niemand fühlt mit dir. Du kämpst alleine. Womöglich als Don Quijote gegen Windmühlen. Oder weniger spektakulär in deiner stillen Kammer.

Wände zu stark, durchbrechen vermagst du keine davon.

Seile zu fest, zerreißen kannst du sie nicht.

Ausgestreckt oder zusammengekauert, Hilfe suchst du, Hilfe brauchst du.

Ein emotionales Shooting mit Maria Gavrilyuk

Show me your ropes

Show me your ropes - Blog-Beitrag von Fotograf Jörg Kersten / 02.09.2023 07:26

Ich arbeite eher selten konzeptionell. Hier der Beginn einer Serie zum Thema „Connections“. Dazu bekommt das jeweilige Model eine Auswahl von Seilen und kann ein wenig mit diesen spielen.

Warum Seile? Sie repräsentieren für mich viele mir wichtige zwischenmenschliche Bereiche und Begriffe wie Sicherheit, Verbindung, Enge, Abhängigkeit, Gehalten werden, Berührung, Schmerz, Alleinsein, Verlässlichkeit und einige mehr können in der Interaktion von Menschen und Seilen gesehen werden.

Ich bin mal gespannt wohin das führt. 🙂

I rarely work conceptually. Here is the beginning of a series on the topic of “Connections”. The respective model is given a selection of ropes and can play with them a little.

Why ropes? For me they represent many interpersonal areas and concepts that are important to me such as security, connection, closeness, dependence, being held, touch, pain, being alone, reliability and some more. They all can be seen in the interaction of people and ropes.

I'm excited to see where this leads. 🙂

Are you happy?

Are you happy? - Blog-Beitrag von Model Sophie / 01.09.2023 12:07

"Are you happy?", Laurana asked me some days ago.

It was late and we had discussed about the possibility, the term and the feeling of happiness for us trans women, since hours.

Because we're getting misgendered at least once a day, and we're irritating people with our voice, getting glimpses to the never fading marks of male hood on our bodies and beings. – And we're facing an abstract refusal of our transness in social media and the newspaper. We're seeing violence against us in the community, and we're hearing prejudices regarding us, from people who don't have a glue about anything (A-N-Y-T-H-I-N-G), but an opinion towards gender.

And we're hearing permanently, that children need to be protected from queer people, from wokeness, and we see, that society steels children’s their rights everywhere and nobody complains: The right of education and health! The right of getting protected from violence and (sexual) abuse! And in the end, our children’s will inherit a planet, which is becoming more and more a piece of scrap! Yeah. Protect the children from us.


Filled with handpans.

Lovely handpan sound, from Giolì & Assia, and I said: "This is how angles talking."

And we listened some more moments to the voices of angles.

"How can I say, that I'm happy?"

What is happiness in a world, were I'm paying attention to the intonation of any word, coming through my lips? I'm paying attention to my language and body gestures, to my (male) personal border protection mechanisms and knowledge of male privileges, within all female routines?

How to think about happiness, in a world where I need to maintain thousands of attributes at once, to reach and keep my limited femineity?

Being a female, and don't lose a second of it. Maybe, this is happiness for me. Accepting my limits, coping with them and being me. Being Sophie. And don't lose a single second of it anymore. That's happiness.

„Yes, Laurana. I'm happy.“