I am exhibiting eight images in "Parallel Voices", part of the Photometria International Photography Festival, Ioannina, Greece. "Parallel Voices" is a group exhibition of 9 selected portfolios which can be seen at Pyrsinellas Mansion outdoor area – Municipal Regional Theater, Ioannina. The Festival opens today 28th September and runs till 1st December.
Month: September 2024
Why I Switched to Full Black and White Photography
Hey friends, I wanted to share a personal decision I made recently that’s changed the way I approach photography. After a lot of thought, I’ve committed to shooting exclusively in black and white. This isn’t some grand statement or advice for anyone else, just something that feels right for me and the way I want to work.
By shooting only in black and white, I find a certain clarity—it simplifies everything. I also only shoot in JPG now, which keeps my workflow seamless. I treat my cameras like they’re monochrome-only, which means I’m always thinking in black and white, and I don’t second-guess myself with color later on. This helps me focus all my energy on the things that matter most to me—storytelling through street photography and portraits—without the distractions that color can sometimes bring.
For me, the decision to let go of color was more about gaining consistency in my vision. There’s something freeing about that renunciation. It’s not about better or worse, but by stripping things back to black and white, I’ve found it allows me to focus entirely on the emotions, expressions, and structure of the image.
It’s also my way of staying true to what I love about street photography, especially in a world where so much is shot in color for festivals and awards. I wanted to carve my own path, and this just feels like the most honest way for me to do that.
Again, this is just what works for me—everyone’s journey in photography is different—but for now, this is mine.
Vote for the Cover of STRKNG Editors' Selection – #78
1 »Tezz« © Photographer Imar
2 »White China Shirt – Anna B« © Photographer Alexander Platz
3 »Mehdi Mokhtari (self portrait)« © Photographer Mehdi Mokhtari
4 »Sophie« © Photographer Jens Klettenheimer
5 © Photographer Ellis
6 © Model Iryna Berdnyk
7 »Marine« © Photographer Latelier
8 © Model Amy Lee
9 »Kimberly I 2020« © Photographer Axel Schneegass
Use only one number in the comment.
Only one vote per person. Thank you!
Voting ends Monday 7h October 23:55h MET
Publication covers so far….
Teilnehmer: Fotograf Alexander Platz / Model Amy Lee / Fotograf Axel Schneegass / Fotograf Ellis / Fotograf Imar / Model Iryna Berdnyk / Fotograf Jens Klettenheimer / Fotograf Latelier / Fotograf Mehdi Mokhtari
window I-III
Ballett Eleganz
Vor wenigen Tagen habe ich eine neue Ballett Serie auf Schwarz-Weiß Film aufgenommen. Es lief wunderbar ab, dass Model war sehr engagiert, dass Wetter sprang pünktlich zum Shooting auf Sonne um und die Bilder waren erstmal Klasse. Jedenfalls nachdem was ich da durch den Sucher sah.
So auch bei diesem Bild. Als ich es ausrichtete, dachte ich nicht lange nach und drückte ab. Gespannt auf die Filmentwicklung zu Hause war ich schon sehr gespannt auf dieses eine Foto. Desto glücklicher war ich als beim Scannen dieses Ergebnis heraus kam. Das Bild hat etwas geheimnisvolles. Es zieht mich noch immer in seinen Bann. Man fragt sich automatisch, wer diese Ballerina denn sei?
Ich glaube, selbst wenn nur das einzige Foto etwas geworden wäre, hätte sich der Aufwand und der Verbrauch von zwei Filmen dennoch gelohnt.
Aroa, 21 years, in Berlin
Jasmin at the cliff
Jasmin has been one of my all-time favourite models and she is almost always up for my crazy ideas, and this time she even wanted to try fine art nude, something I more than happy agreed to that as I enjoyed her natural beauty and the combination with her in nature is a match made in heaven.
First time for her and I am more than impressed by her effort.
Unfortunately, I moved to the south a short while after that session and a bit of a goodbye one.
I hope that she will keep the session in as nice memories as I have.
A very down-to-earth approach to take portraits
As every year I visited the Rencontres d'Arles photo festival in the south of France in June. Unlike in previous years, I visited the city in the third week of the festival and not in the opening week. Most of the events had already taken place and the city was a little quieter. Some pop-up galleries and exhibitions as part of the parallel Off Festival were no longer running. Nevertheless, five days were more than enough for me to see a lot.
Anyone visiting Arles will also notice the increasing number of street photographers who offer to create analogue portraits using often homemade wooden cameras. These photos are taken and developed directly on the street, often with a self-made camera. After 30 minutes at the latest, you will have your portrait in your hand. The functioning of the Minutera camera with negative and positive processes is extremely pragmatic and can be realised with the simplest of means …
Read mor on my photo blog: https://thomasberlin.net/blog/rencontres-arles-2024
Photo Shoot: 2024
Sarah analog
Sarah in Fünfhausen.
Aufgenommen auf Kodak Trix400 mit Minolta X700, Jupiter 85mm f2.0
Teilnehmer: Model Sarah / Model Suse Kuestenkind