A very down-to-earth approach to take portraits

A very down-to-earth approach to take portraits - Blog-Beitrag von Fotograf Thomas Berlin / 22.09.2024 21:27

As every year I visited the Rencontres d'Arles photo festival in the south of France in June. Unlike in previous years, I visited the city in the third week of the festival and not in the opening week. Most of the events had already taken place and the city was a little quieter. Some pop-up galleries and exhibitions as part of the parallel Off Festival were no longer running. Nevertheless, five days were more than enough for me to see a lot.

Anyone visiting Arles will also notice the increasing number of street photographers who offer to create analogue portraits using often homemade wooden cameras. These photos are taken and developed directly on the street, often with a self-made camera. After 30 minutes at the latest, you will have your portrait in your hand. The functioning of the Minutera camera with negative and positive processes is extremely pragmatic and can be realised with the simplest of means …

Read mor on my photo blog: https://thomasberlin.net/blog/rencontres-arles-2024