…and Action!!

...and Action!! - Blog-Beitrag von Model Lysann / 05.05.2018 09:37

I really love pictures taken during movement. They’re quite often more unique and authentic than pictures taken while statically posing: it’s just not possible to do the same picture again. AND I really love pictures being blurred (I’m not even entirely sure why – but it somehow addresses the same issue as mentioned above). In this case, we even decided to just keep them as they are – completely out of cam.

Thanks a lot to Michael who made those pictures possible!!!

Photos: Michael Böhler / Photosomnia

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Photosomnia-797440193635083/

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/photosomnia/

On the streets of Berlin….

On the streets of Berlin.... - Blog-Beitrag von Model Lysann / 18.03.2018 11:45

On the streets of Berlin….

This is probably one of the most authentic series which was ever taken from me. Maybe even more intimate than some of my nude art pictures…. THAT’S just me. I guess there is nothing left to say…. Thank you, dear Gilles, for capturing those moments!!

Pictures taken by: Gilles Soubeyrand / Fotografie Gilles

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Fotografie-Gilles-168085016641894/

Teilnehmer: Fotograf gilles


Anne - Blog-Beitrag von Fotograf Carsten Schenker / 19.11.2017 14:13

mit anne in ha-neu …

der eine aus magdeburg, der andere aus richtung leipzig – was liegt da näher, als sich in der mitte zu treffen. da kommt halle-neustadt ins spiel. immer noch beeindruckend – soviel beton auf so kleinem raum!

mit wechseloutfit im rucksack und kleiner kamera um die schulter gehts in, durch und um die plattenbauschluchten.