The Ambiguity of Innocence

The Ambiguity of Innocence - Blog-Beitrag von Fotograf Photo_Wink / 20.08.2020 16:39

An exploration of humans in relation to their environment. This set of photos is a humble (and ongoing) attempt to explore our dependence on and disregard of our environment. The human element in this instance is naked in the face of an industrial "monster" but the notion of who is innocent and who is in control is ambiguous.


WE EXIST - Blog-Beitrag von Fotograf Alex Cepile / 13.08.2020 17:03

A series of frames/photos taken during the lockdown in Brussels, Belgium.

The mannequins reflections represents the absence within ourselves and the silence imposed on society in these weird times.

#corona #weexist #espiritomundo


Evanescence - Blog-Beitrag von Fotograf J. F. Novotny / 18.07.2020 14:07

"The Face in evanescence lain Is more distinct than ours"

(The Face in evanescence lain, Emily Dickinson)

Der Akt des langsamen Verschwindens: Meine jüngste Konzeptserie "Evanescence" versucht den Moment des Vergehens, des Verschwindens zu visualisieren, während man allein ist und zurückgelassen wird… in der Erkenntnis, dass die einzige Chance zu überleben in der Veränderung, in der Metamorphose liegt.