Beautiful Moments with Eybroo

Beautiful Moments with Eybroo - Blog-Beitrag von Fotograf Matthias Petz (mp_kunst) / 27.02.2025 08:02

Vor ein paar Tagen hatte ich das erste Shooting mit meinem neuen Modell. Und was soll ich sagen, dafür, das sie noch nie ein Remote Shooting abgehalten hat, war sie sehr talentiert, was das Posing angeht. Sei es für mein Projekt "Rauchende Frauen" oder für meine Portrait Serie.

Ihre Ausstrahlung hatte etwas Besonderes an sich und es war einfach ein wundervoller Shoot mit ihr.

In der Bilderserie sind sowohl Ergebnisse aus dem Portrait Shoot wie aus dem Projekt "Rauchende Frauen" zu sehen.

Fotografie als universelle Sprache

Fotografie als universelle Sprache - Blog-Beitrag von Fotograf Matthias Petz (mp_kunst) / 30.12.2024 16:01

Heute hatte ich das zweite Remoteshooting mit Sprachbarrieren. Das gleiche Model, und doch lief es irgendwie wie von selbst. Da sie sehr selbstständig posen kann, war eine große Verständigung nicht erforderlich und dabei ist mir aufgefallen, dass Fotografie irgendwie als universelle Sprache diente.

Es waren nicht viele Worte nötig, denn jeder wusste, was er zu tun hatte. Trotz oder wegen gerade der sprachlichen Barriere war am Ende keine Barriere mehr da. Es ist schön zu sehen, wie ein gemeinsames Thema wie die Fotografie hier Menschen verbinden kann und einen Weg ebnet.

Denn eigentlich wollen wir Fotograf/innen mit unseren Bildern einen anderen Blickwinkel zeigen. Gehört es nicht zur Weiterentwicklung für uns alle, dass Barrieren mit unseren Bildern auch aufgebrochen werden können? Ich finde das persönlich ein sehr spannendes Thema und freue mich, dass ich mit meiner Fotografie diese Barriere aus dem Weg räumen konnte.

"Die angehängten Bilder sind bei diesem Shooting entstanden und wurden nachträglich in Schwarz-Weiß bearbeitet."

Vote for the Cover of STRKNG Editors' Selection – #79

Vote for the Cover of STRKNG Editors' Selection - #79 - Blog-Beitrag von  STRKNG / 18.11.2024 14:17

1 »DARLA« © Photographer Pierre Jacquemin

2 »The sea« © Photographer Tatsuo Suzuki

3 »Soft morning« © Model Nastya Dashkevich

4 »Aquila, Tub« © Photographer David Aimone

5 »Dawid« © Photographer Michał Dudulewicz

6 »Gaia Awakens« © Photographer Arthur Mavros

7 »Darkside of the moon« © Photographer Jiří Kois

8 »Black sand nude« © Photographer Mike Brown

9 »Nastya« © Photographer anton_plotnik_off

Use only one number in the comment.

Only one vote per person. Thank you!

Voting ends Tuesday 25h November 23:55h MET

Publication covers so far….

Teilnehmer: Fotograf anton_plotnik_off / Fotograf Arthur Mavros / Fotograf David Aimone / Fotograf Jiří Kois / Fotograf Michał Dudulewicz / Fotograf Mike Brown / Model Nastya Dashkevich / Fotograf Pierre Jacquemin / Fotograf Tatsuo Suzuki

Winter’s Intimacy

Winter’s Intimacy - Blog-Beitrag von Model Sophie / 01.11.2024 07:16

"How much can I take?", the squirrel asked.

"As much as you need.", the walnut tree answered.

"The winter will become hard.", said the squirrel.

"I know. My leaves are still green.", the tree agreed.

"How much can I take?", the blue whale asked.

"As much as you need.", the ocean answered.

"The winter will become hard.", said the whale.

"I know. Take krill as you need.", the ocean agreed.

"How much can I take?", the trans girl asked.

"As much you need.", the naked body of Tom answered.

"The winter was hard.", said trans girl.

"I know. Take intimacy, as you need.", Tom agreed.

The squirrel survived the winter.

The whale survived the winter.

The trans girl still needs time.

She was frozen long time before.

In a winter, she didn't choose.

Vote for the Cover of STRKNG Editors' Selection – #78

Vote for the Cover of STRKNG Editors' Selection - #78 - Blog-Beitrag von  STRKNG / 27.09.2024 13:50

1 »Tezz« © Photographer Imar

2 »White China Shirt – Anna B« © Photographer Alexander Platz

3 »Mehdi Mokhtari (self portrait)« © Photographer Mehdi Mokhtari

4 »Sophie« © Photographer Jens Klettenheimer

5 © Photographer Ellis

6 © Model Iryna Berdnyk

7 »Marine« © Photographer Latelier

8 © Model Amy Lee

9 »Kimberly I 2020« © Photographer Axel Schneegass

Use only one number in the comment.

Only one vote per person. Thank you!

Voting ends Monday 7h October 23:55h MET

Publication covers so far….

Teilnehmer: Fotograf Alexander Platz / Model Amy Lee / Fotograf Axel Schneegass / Fotograf Ellis / Fotograf Imar / Model Iryna Berdnyk / Fotograf Jens Klettenheimer / Fotograf Latelier / Fotograf Mehdi Mokhtari

Vote for the Cover of STRKNG Editors' Selection – #75

Vote for the Cover of STRKNG Editors' Selection - #75 - Blog-Beitrag von  STRKNG / 01.05.2024 16:12

1 »Sonia« © Photographer Ignac Tokarczyk

2 »Aglaya in Steel« © Photographer Jürgen Dröge

3 »Untitled« © Photographer Morteza khobzi

4 »dry flowers« © Photographer DirkBee

5 »Irina« © Photographer s_pro

6 »Grip (Self-Portrait)« © Model kupferhaut

7 »Anna« © Photographer LICHTundNICHT

8 »La dama del Circeo« © Photographer Marco Bressi

9 »Anastasia« © Photographer Thomas Ruppel

Use only one number in the comment.

Only one vote per person. Thank you!

Voting ends Monday 13th May 23:55h MET

Publication covers so far….

Teilnehmer: Fotograf DirkBee / Fotograf Ignac Tokarczyk / Fotograf Jürgen Dröge / Model kupferhaut / Fotograf LICHTundNICHT / Fotograf Marco Bressi / Fotograf Morteza khobzi / Fotograf s_pro / Fotograf Thomas Ruppel

A slumber amidst blossom

A slumber amidst blossom - Blog-Beitrag von Fotografin Issi Art / 27.04.2024 21:50

Beim aufräumen meiner Studiorequisiten,sind durch Zufall die Trockenblumen auf die Jute gelandet und wurden vom Sonnenlicht,das durchs große Fenster drang,in einem warmen,samtigen Schleier gehüllt.

Aus dem Augenwinkel entstand dadurch ein so harmonisches Bild,dass ich mich 5min später im Bad wieder fand,mich etwas ansehnlich machte und drehte mein Lieblingobjektiv (100mm) auf meine Kamera.

Mit einen Selbstauslöser entstand dann diese Serie.

Ich liebe diese Spontanität und wünschte oft,ich hätte ein Modell direkt in der Nachbarschaft,die zu jeder Zeit bereit ist!Ich denke alle Fotografen hier unter uns kennen diesen Wunsch nur zu gut.

Dies shooting wird auf jeden Fall mit einem passenden Modell wiederholt

The Drink

The Drink - Blog-Beitrag von Model Sophie / 21.04.2024 20:31

Tara asks me, to attend her, for a charity gala in some bigger German city, because Tara's NGO was nominated for a civil society price and get two cards for her NGO. – But nobody of her team likes glitter, long dresses and make-up, so for sure, she asks me. And double-sure, I say yes, because, we will get a make-up from some professional MUAs before the show.

I'm so simple structured and easy to catch. So, if you need to convince me for something in the future, prepare a red carpet and book a MUAs. Afterwards I will do anything. 😅

The show is funny. The idea behind the price is primarily the empowering of charity projects, who are driven by women. – But you don't have to win a Nobel prize in economics to understand, that 80% of the nominated and introduced projects are driven by some housewives with some rich money-earning husbands. – So yes, let's celebrate the autonomy of females. I love it.

We're leaving the show quite quickly. Tara's NGO didn't win anything. Sure, she doesn’t have a rich husband, and we're looking like lesbians, who have read too much feministic literature.

We start to walk around the harbour, breathing stormy cold air, start freezing and shamble back on our high heels to the hotel, to decide for a private party at the bar. Laughing, talking, enjoying this crazy world, with all these important evenings, to fill up the empty gaps in our exitances.

Half an hour later, the bar-keeper come over and set two new drinks on our table.

From the Mister right over there. – He turns his head to a male, who smiles on us.

Thank you, we whisper and cheering well-behaved the drinks into the direction of the stranger.

Five minutes later the strange take a seat at our table and introducing himself. We start a little chit-chat, but Jens is not a lonely sales man only, he's also quite horny, and his eyes and interest is focusing me.

Wow, this is new for me. The first invitation for a drink from a stranger. Crazy. Unfortunately, I’m not interested. Sex with strangers is a no-go. I need some time to explain my body, my mind, reading together in my manual first, until we understand the basics. – But yes, it’s my first invitation as a woman. My first drink as Sophie. But, 100ms are enough to understand, that he isn't rich, humorous and unmarried. So, I decided to be honest, instead of playing.

Jens, thank you for the drinks. But to be honest: Nothing will happen between you and me today. No kissing. No sex. Nothing. I'm not interested to fuck with you. We can have a little talk, but nothing else. Are you okay with that?

Tara looks on me, with her mouth open for two seconds, until Jens speaks on.

What a shame. You are so randy. Really. You make me really horny.

Thank you, Jens, that's nice. But no, means no.

Jens looks through his wet alcoholic eyes on me.

No fuck?

No fuck!, I answer.

Not even a little fuck?

Not even a little fuck Jens.

He shrugs the shoulders, and left. Tara opens her handbag to look for her countenance.

Sophie, you're so straight. I would have talked to these guys for an hour, because he paid the drink.

Was I to rough? Or unfair? – I never get invited to a drink from a stranger before. I mean, it was a compliment. A really compliment. And I rejected him. Maybe I was too rough?

We're leaving for our room. Attending the elevator, I look on myself in the mirror. Everything changed with my coming-out, with my life as Sophie. – And I still need to developing my female dating capabilities.