preview of the finished book
"Les filles des Châteaux- une histoire d'amour et de fous"
132 pages 190mm x 270mm,
hardcover, bnw, 120g paper.
price: 36,90€ plus shiping fees.
Project realized on 3 castles in Europe with 12 models. Partly boudoir and nude.
Category: Fashion / Beauty
colourful paper stripes
Color Projections
I’ve been inspired through the use of my video projector as a means of lighting models this year. Using a variety of visualization software to create the graphics, along with some laser projectors, I’ve discovered some interesting ways to accentuate and confuse the familiar lines of nude models. This was the first time that I’d added the lasers, and I like how they add some texture to the smoke and background.
How it all began… a while ago my friend subscribed me to Harper’s Bazar. First I laughed because I really can’t do anything with fashion and glossy magazines. But the magazine was lying around here and at some point I leafed through it after all. I noticed that some of the fashion spreads were photographed brilliantly and I also really liked the way they were edited. The models had character and the photos were really great. Then Maria was here and I heard myself say: I would like to try to photograph an editorial. And Maria said: Let’s do it!
So here ist the result of 60 minutes of haphazard planning and a week of photo editing.
Teilnehmer: Fotografin Noctis_legato