Vote for the Cover of STRKNG Editors' Selection – #63

Vote for the Cover of STRKNG Editors' Selection - #63 - Blog-Beitrag von  STRKNG / 18.10.2022 17:19

Please help us to find the next cover image for our issue »STRKNG Editors' Selection – #63«

1) »Here and now.« – © lauragruiz

2) »Shadow Journal« © Model Miss Souls

3) »framed« © Photographer Moga Alexandru

4) © Photographer Thomas Gerwers with Musa Erato

5) »The Bed« © Photographer Andrew W Pilling

6) »Old Days« © Photographer Tung Li

7) »closer.« © Model Lisa

8) »Héliothérapie« © Photographer ECD.2

9) »Visual Pain« © Photographer Tung Li

Use only one number in the comment.

Only one vote per person. Thank you!

Voting ends Wednesday 26th October 23:55h MET

Publication covers so far….

Teilnehmer: Fotograf Andrew W Pilling / Fotograf ECD.2 / Fotografin Laura Ginés Ruiz (lauragruiz) / Model Lisa / Model Miss Souls / Fotograf Moga Alexandru / Model Musa Erato / Fotograf Thomas Gerwers / Fotograf Tung Li / G/Gabor Photography / Abril Larruy


Uhlbergkapelle - Blog-Beitrag von Model Maren W. / 12.10.2022 07:23

An einem völlig verregneten Sonntagvormittag im Oktober trafen mein Fotograf (der leider nicht namentlich genannt werden möchte und dem ich an dieser Stelle von Herzen für ein wunderbares Shooting danke) und ich uns an der malerischen Ruine der Kapelle auf dem Uhlberg.


S O M A - Blog-Beitrag von Fotograf dunkeltraum / 07.09.2022 01:15

A Shooting with Elli aka Dreadheart is allways a wild, emotional and sometimes rough thing. Intense improvisation…a bit theatre and drama. During the shooting you will never know what happens within the next moment, the next second. Anytime with an extraordinary human expression by Elli!

Elli and me had 5 awesome shootings during 2019 and 2020. Here I show you a little, but deep Best Of…

Hope you enjoy this art as I do!


Taro (2019)

Children of Wilderness (2019)

Disarm me (2019)

Soma (2020)

Undertow (2020)

Restless legs

Restless legs - Blog-Beitrag von Fotograf Thomas Gerwers / 23.08.2022 22:16

„Gott oder irgendwer erschafft dauernd Frauen und wirft sie hinaus auf die Straßen, und die eine hat einen zu dicken Arsch, die andere hat nicht genug Busen, und die hier ist irre, und jene dort ist verrückt, und die ist zu religiös, und die liest im Kaffeesatz, und die hat ihre Fürze nicht unter Kontrolle, und die hat eine lange Nase, und die hat zu dünne Beine… Doch hin und wieder trifft man eine Frau, in voller Blüte, eine Frau, die aus allen Nähten platzt … eine Sexbombe, einen Fluch, das Ende aller Dinge.“ — Charles Bukowski, Der Mann mit der Ledertasche

Teilnehmer: Model Musa Erato

A Clockwork Moloko

A Clockwork Moloko - Blog-Beitrag von Fotograf Rob Linsalata / 12.08.2022 21:21

50 years ago, after first premiering in New York City and then releasing in the UK, Stanley Kubrick released his dystopian cinematic masterpiece, A Clockwork Orange to the world. Kubrick’s vivid visualization of the future captivated film critics and viewers alike instantaneously. He took the already powerful Anthony Burgess novel and, fueled with a riveting soundtrack by Wendy Carlos, electrified it in a way few imagined possible.

Vivid and electrifying, his vision of the future has shaped every aspect of culture to this day — despite eventually being banned in Britain and other countries — from cinema to music to fashion & design. It changed moviemaking almost overnight. And it’s impact on music, art and culture continue unabated today. Myriad musicians and bands drew their influences from the film, including the legendary David Bowie . The British synthpop band Heaven17 even got their name from the famous record store scene. But of all the riveting visual stylizations that Kubrick created for the screen, the most vivid for me even today is the Korova Milk Bar . The stark high-contrast pop modernism of this scene has been a powerful influence for me from the moment I saw the film. The Milk Bar Mannequins, the flowing psychedelic typography hyping the drug-infused Moloko, the wardrobe, and the lighting all conspired together to create one wild trippy experience.

So, viddy this well then, me brothers and sisters. I give you A Clockwork Moloko, my tribute to A Clockwork Orange and most especially the Korova Milk Bar…