Model: PoppySeedDancer
A remote shoot from Germany to her apartement at Sweden.
about current work of our members at
Memories lie.
– German version of this text below –
The words I never said to you. The words I wanted to say. The unmeaning sense of those words that I never had the opportunity to tell.
Empty pages of stories never written. Invisible but sensitive bruises that the body dresses. To evoke a lack, to suggest absence. The words on our skin are the symbolic legacy of what life has left us inside.
It is the infinite gravitational weight of silence that sediments in the depths of the soul. Overwhelming sense of void.
Abysmal sidereal darkness born from the collapse of the firmament, invisible, but perceivable as wandering shadow on a night without stars.
Unbearable sidereal darkness born from the collapse of the firmament. The abyss of a night without dawn, concealed secret night, perceptible as shadow on black canvas.
These photos are not literal portraits, but allegorical and symbolic mirrors in which we project our regret for all that has never been and it returns to us the image not of a face, but of a condition of existential restlessness. An intimate gaze that opens onto an interior space to investigate the changing declinations of the sense of uneasiness of the human soul.
Die Worte, die ich dir nie gesagt habe. Die Worte, die ich sagen wollte. Die bedeutungslose, sinnlose Bedeutung der Worte, bei denen ich nie die Möglichkeit hatte, sie zu sagen.
Leere Seiten voll mit Geschichten, die nie geschrieben wurden. Unsichtbare, aber fühlbare blaue Flecken, die der Körper trägt. Um einen Mangel hervorzurufen, um Abwesenheit anzudeuten. Die Worte auf unserer Haut sind das symbolische Vermächtnis von dem, was uns das Leben in unserem Inneren gelassen hat.
Es ist die unendliche Schwere des Schweigens, die sich in den Tiefen der Seele ablagert. Das überwältigende Gefühl der Leere.
Abgrundtiefe, siderische Dunkelheit, die aus dem Zusammenbruch des Firmaments geboren wurde, unsichtbar, aber wahrnehmbar als wandernder Schatten in einer sternlosen Nacht. Unerträgliche, siderische Dunkelheit, die aus dem Zusammenbruch des Firmaments geboren wurde.
Der Abgrund einer Nacht ohne Dämmerung, eine verdeckte geheime Nacht, wahrnehmbar als Schatten auf einer schwarzen Leinwand.
Diese Bilder sind keine wörtlichen Portraits, sondern allegorische und symbolische Spiegel, auf die wir unser Bedauern projizieren über all das, was niemals gewesen ist. Und es wird ein Bild reflektiert – nicht eines Gesichts, sondern einer existenziellen Ruhelosigkeit. Ein intimer Blick, dem sich ein innerer Raum öffnet und der die sich ständig ändernden Neigungen des Gefühls der Unruhe, welches die menschliche Seele befällt.
Text written by: Tunguska.RdM
German translation by: J. M. Bard
Teilnehmer: Fotograf Tunguska.RdM
Please help us to find the next cover image for our issue "STRKNG Editors’ Selection – #42" and comment with your favorite image number.
1) »Dead Girls Taste« © Photographer Julia Dunin Photography
2) © Model La bestia incontrolable
3) »Emy im Shirt« © Photographer Dirk Rohra
4) »Rainy Days« © Photographer Aaron Walls
5) © Photographer Anna Försterling
6) »Closer – Concorde Magazine briefing 04« © Model Margherita
7) »Catch me…« © Photographer HANS KRUM with Model peculiar.mind
8) »Pipi Langoureuse« © Photographer Carmen De Vos
9) »Toavee of a period« © Photographer DEWFRAME
Please use the number in the comment.
Only one vote per person. Thank you!
Voting ends Wednesday 3rd June 23:55h MET
Publication covers so far….
Teilnehmer: Fotograf Aaron Walls / Fotografin Anna Försterling / Fotografin Carmen De Vos / Fotograf DEWFRAME / Fotograf Dirk Rohra / Fotograf HANS KRUM / Fotografin Julia Dunin Photography / Model Margherita / Model peculiar.mind
I am very happy to present you a series of pictures I took last summer during my shoot with Spanish model Eva Lunia, perhaps you might know her; I can highly recommend her.
About a year ago my interest in analog photography was renewed after a visit to second hand fair in Holland where I bought a Leica R3 with some lenses. And immediately my juvenile enthousiasme woke up, even though I’m already retired. After the Leica came a Mamiya C220, and then several other analog camera’s. I also rediscovered my old Olympus OM2 S/P I had forgotten for so many years but it was still functioning as new.
And then I fell on a Rolleiflex 6008, almost like new, which opened a totally new world for me: de top class medium format camera. My latest major acquisition is a Hasselblad 503CX with some beautiful lenses.
I have now regained the pleasure of developing the film myself, the appreciation of the fine grain, the rendering of the skin texture and so on.
I hope I’ve been able to convey a bit of my enthusiasm in this blog and through Eva’s photos. I will ask great respect for nude models posing for analogue photography because that is much more difficult than posing for digital photography because everything takes much more time and it is an extra task for the model to maintain concentration.
Please help us to find the next cover image for our issue "STRKNG Editors’ Selection – #41" and comment with your favorite image number.
1 »Mélissa« © Photographer angelique.boissiere
2 © Photographer Frank Pudel
3 »in your room« © Photographer Jiří Kois
4 »Karen« © Photographer Benedikt Ernst
5 »Portrait by Aleksander Stojanov« © Model purity.control
6 »Verena« © Photographer Erik Gross
7 »Noa« © Photographer Peter Nientied
8 »ThREES« © Photographer Thomas Maenz
9 »ZOE & LIV« © Photographer daniel.nartschick
Please use the number in the comment.
Only one vote per person. Thank you!
Voting ends Monday 27th April 23:55h MET
Publication covers so far….
Teilnehmer: Fotografin angelique.boissiere / Fotograf Benedikt Ernst / Fotograf daniel.nartschick / Fotograf Erik Gross / Fotograf Frank Pudel / Fotograf Jiří Kois / Fotograf Peter Nientied / Model purity.control