hiding or hidden. Playing around with the very own darkness. drowning in it or enjoying it’s comfort.
It’s all up to you.
Category: Fine Art
Mit Ellen eine Kalte Tag shooting gemacht .
Aber wenn die Bilder sehe dann als 30 Grad gewesen .
Ellen :
Steg am See
Poppy Seed Dancer
About “reality illusion” and “photography expression”.
There are places that materialize before us as a direct expression of our state of mind. The landscape changes and transforms in pure manifestation and vivid reflection of our feelings, acquiring dispositions and the evanescences by them, transcending the materiality of the elements themselves. Not soil, salt, wind, cloud or water, therefore… But forgetfulness, loneliness, sense of abandonment, melancholy, lack …
Solaris is the oneiric projection of a condition of the soul. It is not a physical, tangible, perceptive, but introspective, speculative, kaleidoscopic, illusory dimension.
Within this world, the sense of reality depends on emotions, their alternation, the void of their absence. Its landscapes, suspended in an indefinable metamorphosis between immobility and impermanence, desire for forgetfulness and the need for infinity, take the colors and the tones of gray memories. They take the nebulous shapes and the blurred deceptive appearances of our ghosts.
We project outside of ourselves our concerns, our desires, our obsessions, our fears.
Creating a new universe, giving substance to the dark matter that nestle in the most unconscious and abysmal depths of the soul.
The emotions drive the flows of the rivers and paint the shades of the shores.
The sense of detachment expands the vastness of its plains.
The desire for oblivion colors the waters of ink black and gives depth to the seas.
Dreams shapes its dunes, sorrows blurs the horizons.
We pour all our sense of emptiness into the shadows. They fill with melancholic drama the clouds of the sky.
The wind carries away with it the echoes of our need for infinity.
The silences cradle the waves.
We face a mirror able to show us what of secret and unconscious is hidden in the soul. But this doesn’t mean that we have reached the destination at the end of our journey.Indeed, even if Solaris allows us to have a vision of all the pieces that make up the complex mosaic of our being, those tesserae are scattered in a chaotic way and they don’t necessarily return a harmonious and complete image. Rather, the contrary. They give us back the evidence of our conflictual nature, contrasted by irreconcilable impulses and often divergent tensions.
A changing and fragile human nature.
Imperfect and precarious.
Still always absolute and eternal.
The observation of the landscape becomes a moment of contemplation and reflection, but, at the same time, an opportunity for estrangement, of empathetic detachment towards everything that surrounds us.
Everything seems remote, distant, foreign.
verything physically and emotionally alien.
Everything originates from us, center, focus and genesis of this universe.
And everything is lost in a horizon of events beyond which nothing more belongs to us and moves us.
Immobility and impermanence.
The planet orbits around these two Suns.
Solaris is immobility in transience.
It is eternity in impermanence.
It is the union of two irreconcilable paradigms.
Eternally immutable and in perpetual mutation.
Solaris is an illusory reality.
Because reality itself is an illusion.
The dogmatic belief of an absolute reality is illusion.
And this is what we have learned from our journey on this planet.
The sense of reality depends on emotions. Ours is an emotional perception of reality. It exists as the fruit of our personal emotional feeling. And, being an illusory dimension, it is true and irrefutable, because it is impossible to refute a sensation or a feeling.
If, then, it is true that absolute reality does not exist, if it is true that our emotions create the world, then illusion is the only true existential condition that we experience.
Photographic thinking develops within this vision.
Photography is a representation of reality, where reality is a manifestation of illusion. And it should not reproduce its exterior and more superficial features, but capture its essence, bringing to light its most emotional, unconscious and true dimension.In fact, what the poet does with words, the photographer does it through images.
The poet is not interested in the real in its empirical immanence.
The poet does not aspire to the real. He aspires to the indefinable.
The poet aspires to the sublime and the abysmal. And he explores these dimensions of darkness using the light of words.
In the same way, photography should not chase the evidence of reality. But it should aspire to go beyond the stereotypical duplication of a landscape and/or a face. It is not imitation of a model, but emotional impulse and nervous tension. It is to pursue an elusive vision and then be captured by it.
Photography responds to the visceral desire to satisfy a need, which is the demand (urgent and profound, unconscious or rational, …) to give voice and face to the hidden demons of the mind and heart. Thoughts, feelings, memories, sufferings of the soul, all these states of mind find expression not through words but through pictures.