Acker, Hügel, Masten, Feld, Himmel

Acker, Hügel, Masten, Feld, Himmel - Blog-Beitrag von Fotograf seelisch / 18.01.2023 16:23

Typ: Frank und Frei

Ziel: Bild

Herkunft: Berlin

Fotodestination: möglichst nicht weit weg

Landschaftsfotograf?: ähm, bedingt schon, nicht so ganz wie er im Buche steht

Der Typ Landschaftsfotograf welcher nicht so ausgesprochen neugierig auf die Welt ist, die meiste Zeit nicht reist sondern lieber so "um die Ecke" fotografiert wenn's irgendwie geht, in diesem Fall als Berliner, fährt dann halt nach Brandenburg und beäugt die Landschaft. Irgendwann einmal auf der Zugreise wird er wachen Auges merken, dass er die sonst ziemlich ebene Landschaft passiert hat und blickt auf ein Meer an Hügeln. So ähnlich war das irgendwann einmal im Jahre 2012 oder vllt. auch 2013. Dann beginnt er diese sonst, als Passant gesehen, recht ereignisarme Gegend zu durchstreifen. Und weil er nun auch fotografieren will, beginnt er sich auf ein Thema zu fokussieren. Und das sind dann eben Äcker, Masten, Hügel und Himmel. Und ein bisschen was von dem zeigt er heute voller Vertrauen in die Gnade der Community. tbc if aprecciated

Strange Ligury

Strange Ligury - Blog-Beitrag von Fotograf Storvandre Photography / 28.12.2022 19:09

The Ligurian mountains, located on the Italian Riviera, are known for their rugged and steep terrain, making them a unique and strange landscape compared to many other mountain ranges. These mountains rise up from the Mediterranean Sea and are home to a variety of plant and animal life, as well as ancient villages and towns nestled into the hillsides.

One of the strangest features of the Ligurian mountains is their geology. The rocks that make up these mountains are a mixture of marble, schist, and other metamorphic rocks, which have been transformed over millions of years through heat and pressure. This has resulted in a strange and varied landscape, with jagged peaks, steep cliffs, and deep valleys.

In addition to their geology, the Ligurian mountains are also home to a number of bizarre and unique plant species. Many of these plants have adapted to the harsh climate and rocky soil of the region, developing unusual features such as spines, succulent leaves, and waxy coatings to protect against the dry heat and salt spray from the sea.

nudes in public

nudes in public - Blog-Beitrag von Fotograf Daniel Bauer / 28.08.2022 13:56

I have been to a road trip during the last 3 weeks together with my lovely model Priscilla and, of course, I wanted to photograph nudes in the wonderful landscapes on the way (like here, the Oeschinensee in the Swiss alps). That marvelous lake that really looks like a postcard (without the need of any instagram filters…!) is one of the most photographed lakes of Switzerland and there is always a lot of people around: tourists like us.

So, after Priscilla put her bikini to take it off later, we decided to rent one of those small boats, but of course we were not the only ones, so even on that little lake we were always close to other people.

I took those snapshots with my phone before I photographed her with the "real camera" and show them here as a hopefully fun and beautiful little "backstage story" – unedited and just as is.

The various series I photographed on this journey will be published with time on my patreon page…

Tuscan morning.

Tuscan morning. - Blog-Beitrag von Fotograf auqanaj / 30.04.2022 17:15

Casale Marittimo, Tuscany, April 2022.

After a nice evening stroll I had found just the right place to take in the feeling of the Tuscan countryside.

In the (not so early) morning I went there again and found out that I had chosen just the right day for some nice landscape shots. A good start for another beautiful day in Tuscany.

I hope the images convey some of the magic of the scene.

This densely populated and intensively cultivated area truly is a blessed piece of land.

Tree Fascination

Tree Fascination - Blog-Beitrag von Fotograf Ben Gunn / 16.04.2022 07:30

To climb an old tree in heels to unite and connect with it in many ways seems to be a fascinating thing. The feeling of rough or smooth surfaces on the naked skin, the wood smell of strong branches and juicy leaves, and of course, the light. The green filtered, leave shadowed, sun rayed, ever changing light inside a tree crown is truely one of the most fascinating impressions for photo creators. Silhouette shadow printing on nakes skin forms entirely new shapes of body and face, framing branches line up with soft skin and high perspectives stretching figures into edless dimensions of beauty. No wonder so many models are feeling the need to climb a tree, it amplifies all the beauty and grace.

Save the environment, protect the woods!

Vote for the Cover of STRKNG Editors’ Selection – #59

Vote for the Cover of STRKNG Editors' Selection - #59 - Blog-Beitrag von  STRKNG / 31.01.2022 14:58

Please help us to find the next cover image for our issue »STRKNG Editors’ Selection – #59«

01 »Motherhood« © Photographer SvetlanaMelikNubarova

02 »Black Milk« © Photographer Marta Glińska

03 »aguja perdida« © Photographer Alberto Monteraz

04 »Laetitia« © Photographer Ghilain Vermeersch

05 »Fateme« © Photographer Hamidreza Sheikhmorteza

06 Selfportrait« © Photographer Polina Soyref

07 © Photographer Vincent Gauthier

08 »Deconstructed coastline« © Photographer Toon van Daalen

09 »Lorca in a Painting Art« © Photographer Peyman Naderi

Use only one number in the comment.

Only one vote per person. Thank you!

Voting ends Wednesday 9th February 23:55h MET

Publication covers so far….

Teilnehmer: Fotograf Alberto Monteraz / Fotograf Ghilain Vermeersch / Fotograf Hamidreza Sheikhmorteza / Fotografin Marta Glińska / Fotograf Peyman Naderi / Fotografin Polina Soyref / Fotografin SvetlanaMelikNubarova / Fotograf Toon van Daalen / Fotografin Vincent Gauthier

Früh am Morgen an der Nordsee

Früh am Morgen an der Nordsee - Blog-Beitrag von Fotograf Heiko Westphalen / 12.01.2022 18:17

Ich liebe Schleswig-Holstein, in dem ich lebe und geboren bin. Gerade die fotografische Vielfalt, die das Land zwischen den Meeren zu bieten hat, ist ganz wunderbar. Ich hoffe meine Bilder transportieren ein klein wenig meine eigene Begeisterung.

Das Wattenmeer der Nordsee ist eine im Wirkungsbereich der Gezeiten liegende, etwa 11.500 km² große, rund 500 km lange und bis zu 40 km breite Landschaft zwischen Skallingen, Dänemark, im Nordosten und Den Helder, Niederlande, im Südwesten. Den bei Niedrigwasser freiliegenden Grund der Nordsee bezeichnet man als Watt. Wikipedia

Mehr Inspiration?

Ligurian Beigua Park

Ligurian Beigua Park - Blog-Beitrag von Fotograf Storvandre Photography / 04.01.2022 12:23

In a territory full of contrasts as Liguria, enclosed between the mountains and the sea, the area of the Beigua Geopark represents an exemplary section of the region, where it is possible to find also within short distances such varied environments and landscapes as to impress the unaware visitor: a wonderful balcony made up of mountains overlooking the sea, where nature, history, culture and ancient traditions represent elements of extraordinary value and interest.

In the last 20 years, this landscape is radically changing, due to wildfires and climate change. Pine woods are transforming into heath and Mediterranean scrub, raining is more violent than in the past, and the land is subject to erosion. Everything is different and nobody knows the outcome of this deep transformation in the future years.