Sitting Poses

Sitting Poses - Blog-Beitrag von Fotograf Andreas Ebner / 17.02.2025 13:15

Am Boden geblieben. Posen im Sitzen. Schwarzweiß. Stimmungen.

Was ist das richtige Thema? Iryna zeigt, dass sie sich zur Wehr setzt, sich schützt, stark ist. Bei all diesen Arbeiten wollten wir "unten bleiben", nicht abheben, nicht überheblich sein.

Das Selbstbewusstsein muss tief in dir stecken. Dann kannst du aus jeder Position Stärke zeigen.

Teilnehmer: Model Iryna Berdnyk

Fotografie als universelle Sprache

Fotografie als universelle Sprache - Blog-Beitrag von Fotograf Matthias Petz (mp_kunst) / 30.12.2024 16:01

Heute hatte ich das zweite Remoteshooting mit Sprachbarrieren. Das gleiche Model, und doch lief es irgendwie wie von selbst. Da sie sehr selbstständig posen kann, war eine große Verständigung nicht erforderlich und dabei ist mir aufgefallen, dass Fotografie irgendwie als universelle Sprache diente.

Es waren nicht viele Worte nötig, denn jeder wusste, was er zu tun hatte. Trotz oder wegen gerade der sprachlichen Barriere war am Ende keine Barriere mehr da. Es ist schön zu sehen, wie ein gemeinsames Thema wie die Fotografie hier Menschen verbinden kann und einen Weg ebnet.

Denn eigentlich wollen wir Fotograf/innen mit unseren Bildern einen anderen Blickwinkel zeigen. Gehört es nicht zur Weiterentwicklung für uns alle, dass Barrieren mit unseren Bildern auch aufgebrochen werden können? Ich finde das persönlich ein sehr spannendes Thema und freue mich, dass ich mit meiner Fotografie diese Barriere aus dem Weg räumen konnte.

"Die angehängten Bilder sind bei diesem Shooting entstanden und wurden nachträglich in Schwarz-Weiß bearbeitet."


Gefühlswelten - Blog-Beitrag von Fotograf Andreas Ebner / 12.12.2024 11:25


Das sind Welten.


Auf und ab, ab und auf.

Keine Pause, alles im Kreis sich drehend.

Gedanken hin, Gedanken her.

Aufbegehrend, laut.

Resignierend, leise.

Wütend, voller Energie.

Zusammenkauernd, von aller Kraft verlassen.

So sind die Welten.

Die Gefühlswelten.


Instagram - Blog-Beitrag von Fotograf Luc Gasparet / 09.12.2024 07:29

Thank you Strkng

It’s strange that, just as 'Strkng' wanted to feature my very first photo, their account was blocked on Instagram. Maybe we should all switch to a different platform than Instagram. Is there a platform from Europe that isn't owned by Facebook or Instagram?

Teilnehmer: Model Minh-Ly

Wald und Fels

Wald und Fels - Blog-Beitrag von Fotograf Andreas Ebner / 29.11.2024 18:06

Wer kennt den Begriff nicht: Wald und Feld.

Hier ersetze ich das Feld durch den Felsen. Wuppertal gilt als Großstadt. Zugegeben, eine ziemlich kleine Großstadt, wenn man sich die Metropolen dieser Welt anschaut. Aber sie gilt auch als Stadt im Grünen.

Nicht nur Grün prägt die Stadt. Auch die bergige Landschaft im Bergischen* mit ihren Felsen und Höhlen beeindruckt.

Bilder zwei bis fünf entstehen links der Wupper in einem siedlungsnahen Waldgebiet am Rande eines winzigen Steinbruchs.

Das erste und die letzten drei Bilder stammen von rechts der Wupper. Auch hier fressen sich uralte Steinbrüche in den Berg, Höhlen, die selbst den meisten Einwohnern der Stadt, auch den unmittelbaren Nachbarn unbekannt sind.

Als Kind streife ich durch die Gegend. Ich entdecke mystische Winkel und verborgene Kleinode. Nun kehre ich zurück, die Kamera in der Hand, halte fest, was Erinnerung und Gegenwart ist.

*Wuppertal im Bergischen Land. Das Land ist auch bergig. Der Begriff "Bergisch" geht auf das Herzogtum Berg zurück und hat zunächst nichts mit der Topographie zu tun. Persönlich vermute ich, dass die Bergige Landschaft irgendwann in grauer Vorzeit namensgebend für die Herrschaften zu Berg war.

Shattered Perspectives of Self

Shattered Perspectives of Self - Blog-Beitrag von Fotograf Luc Gasparet / 15.11.2024 10:41

In the age of social media, how do we truly see ourselves? "Shattered Perspectives of Self" reflects the fractured identities we create online, pieced together by likes and filters. But are these curated versions really us, or just illusions for validation?

As we chase digital perfection, we lose sight of one truth: everyone is beautiful in real life, beyond the filters and fragmented reflections. The mirror of social media can distort, but our true selves are whole and worthy just as we are.

The Curse of Sleeping Beauty

The Curse of Sleeping Beauty - Blog-Beitrag von Model Sophie / 16.10.2024 07:49

(A trans tale)

Prince is an experienced urban explorer. He visited old townhouses, closed mines, abandoned hospitals and other kinds of lost places, all over the county, always aligned to the urban-ex rules: 1.) Don't change anything. 2.) Don't destroy anything. – And now, he wonders if the place he's looking for, really exists. – This path in the wood, is pure wilderness, some lumberman seems to block the trail intentionally. Ruined the old tracks, fell trees here, without moving them out of the way, let the nature grow, and it seems they covered the initial track, from the main road to this path.

Prince follows this old trail for three hours, his mobile phone is disconnected, only his compass is still working. But he's convinced, if this old townhouse will be there, as a stranger told him, this will become one of the best expeditions since years, with wonderful photos in the end.

Some minutes later, Prince spot's contours of an old stonewall. Invisible between the wild hedges and the mystic ivy, but not invisible to his experience. He looks for the old entrance, and find it 100 meters in the north. The wooden gate is dilapidated since years, he stops and take the first pictures. It's beautiful. In the background he spots mountains with snow, and on the old stony chimney, there is a bird's nest.

The front door is closed, he tries to push, but as he doesn’t like to damage anything, he follows the path near the mosey walls to the backdoor. Gosha. It's open. He steps back, and take more pictures. Changes the lens, breathe deeply, and enters the building. – And, as the stranger man told him, the kitchen is completely arranged! With a table and chairs, an old coal stove, tools, as someone seems to left in the past, to come back in near future. A menu was prepared on the desk, with white porcelain. Huge plates, elegant glass from crystal, a knife and spoon, covered all-over with dust.

Prince takes more photos, detail for detail, and suddenly he notices, that he spent over one hour only in the kitchen. And he needs to decide, how to proceed this expedition. – Going back for three hours, this old path in the darkness, even with his flashlight, would be dangerous. – So, Prince needs to come back tomorrow for explore this place in detail. – So, he stores his camera in his backpack, and opens the door to the living room. As a reflex, he grabs for his camera, but remembers his decision, to make a quick tour, and come back tomorrow. – He spots the bathroom, with the old hot-water heater and the bath tub out of metal, covered all-over with dust. – Prince goes upstairs, where he spots four closed doors. He decides for the right one, push, and frightens. In the bed … there is a corpus. Under the blanket. A corpus from a human. A woman. A sleeping woman.

He steps closer, one, two, three. Prince heart starts to bump. A woman sleeps here. Three steps towards the bed. A sleeping beauty. – She opens her eyes. – Prince blood freezes, his mouth shouts out loudly. But the woman stares on him in silence, and demonstrate Prince not to fear. Lays her demonstration finger on her lips, and stands up. – And looks like a ghost with her nightdress out of white satin.

"Where are you?", she asks him.

Prince needs some minutes, to understand, that this is real. A sleeping beauty in this lost place, far away from any civilization. He doesn’t believe in witches, he doesn’t believe in magic, Prince tries to get the situation clear. Concentrate on the facts. That there must be a reason, for all this dust covered furniture and this beautiful woman, who sleeps here, like a figure in an old tale.

"I'm Prince", he stumbles.

"You find this place, even by the curse?", the asks him curious.

"What do you mean?", Prince asks.

" You don't know the curse?", she looks into Prince eyes.

"I even don't know your name.", Prince says.

"Oh. Sorry. Sophie. I'm Sophie.”, her head goes to the dusty windows. “And you have to leave now Prince. It's getting dark. The way to the main road is dangerous in the night, and maybe it will start to rain later."

"I know, I know. I plan to leave during the day light Sophie. But I can't leave you here alone."

She points Prince to keep silence.

"Please go Prince. – I'm here for 1000 years. Please go. It will be dangerous in the night. Never underestimate your nightmares. This wood is filled up with them. Trust me."

Prince isn't sure, if there have been some strange mushrooms in the old townhouse. Some strange substance, which operate like LSD or something else by anyone who breathe it into the lungs. There was a woman. Sophie. For 1000 years? – He takes his camera, and check for the pictures. And yes, the old walls are there, the kitchen, the porcelain plates. He arrives by his car in darkness, and decides to come back tomorrow.

On the next day, Prince starts much earlier, to arrive in the morning. And as Prince knows already about the feral trail, and where to go to, the way on the damaged trail is much easier today. And Prince knocks on the backdoor, but no one answers. – So, he slides in carefully. Nothing has been changed in the kitchen. Also, the living rooms looks the same. He goes up, and stands again in the front of four closed door. – "Sophie?", he shouts out, "Sophieeee?"

But no answer at all. – Prince knocks on the right door, waits, knocks again, and steps in. – And spots the sleeping Sophie again. – He whispers: "Sophie? It's me, it's Prince!", and she opens her eyes, slides to the edge of her bed, sits up, looks on him, and Prince assumes a little smile in her face.

"I have more time today. I like to listen. I like to understand what happens here."

Sophie looks on him. Demonstrate Prince with her hand to wait, and left the room with any further comment. Silence. Completely silence in the room and the house. – It takes some time, but Sophie comes back. In a long colourful satin dress.

"Do you really like to hear?"

Prince nods his head. Both go downstairs, and Sophie opens a door in the living room, which Prince haven’t notice yet. And they enter a park. With old oaks, a fountain, mowed lawn. And they have a walk.

"You will not believe me Prince. But there is a curse on me. I'm here for 1000 years, and I'm also a little bit older than 1000 years. But I stopped to live. So, I'm going old here, without dying."

"I believe you!", Prince says, and Sophie talks about the mirror, she looked in, 1000 years ago. And that she saw herself in the mirror. – But even it was herself, it was another person. – And Sophie understood by this picture into the mirror, that something is wrong with her. – And some voice in the mirror whispered: "Come due me. Step via the glass to the other side. Go to yourself."

Sophie smiles to Prince.

"And do you know, what I did?"

He whispers No, without any word, and Sophie continues:

"I jumped through the glass surface of the mirror. To the other side. And the crushing glass caused a lot of scars on my mind and body. And the misfortune, which is caused by the glass of a broken mirror, began. The curse on myself began. I survived the jump, all the bleedings, the loneliness and pain, but my life stopped here in this old, beautiful villa. – And it doesn't matter, what I'm doing, how much things I'm touching. Everything will be covered with dust immediately. Because I’m alive, without a life. Like a ghost."

And Sophie reports more and more from this time. And Prince listens in silence, listen to all the strange magic. Later Prince observes, how everything covers with dust again by magic, after Sophie touches it.

Prince visits Sophie now for every day. – And every time he forgets to ask about the curse. But one time, he asks and Sophie answers:

"If I tell you about, you will not be able to solve the curse. – I can tell you how to solve the curse, if you like. But maybe, you will never see me again afterwards. Please decide."

Prince thought about this sentence again and again. And he notices one strange change, since he attended the old townhouse for the first time: The track become with each new week much more comfortable. And he sees tracks of himself in the house. Steps in the dust on the floor. Things he touched with his fingers, a few days ago, haven't been covered with dust anymore. And the park begins to fill with flowers, like in spring. And every time they have a walk, new butterflies in amazing colours guides them. The sun shines, and they love to rest on a glade, near to a small river. And they laughing together, and sometimes, they also had hours, filled with an intimate silence, far away from any expectations, filled with peace and balance.

And Prince comes back, again and again, and Sophie stopped to sleep in her bed, she waits for him on the front door. Smiles to him, every time he arrives.

And during one day, the sun shines in the park, Sophie places a chocolate cake on the picnic blanket, and she says: "You are my most lovely guest today. It's my 1018 birthday." And she smiles on Prince and lightens a candle. – And Prince starts to look on her, and he starts to do something, he is afraid of, afraid for the last weeks. But he hugs Sophie. This sleeping beauty. And she hugs Prince back. And after some minutes of cuddling, their lips come closer and closer. And Prince starts to kiss Sophie. He knows, he didn't ask, but he kissed Sophie. And for a moment he had the feeling, that the curse, Sophie talked about weeks ago, was dissolved now.