The disappointment

The disappointment - Blog-Beitrag von Fotograf KjTaylor_Fotografik / 04.11.2023 23:06

The disappointment:

"after five years that fucking prick finally bought me flowers"

(this is the story I see in the outcome of this shot, the expression of frustration & boredom . There were a lot of happy photos so I don't believe that was the actual feeling at the time from the model, but this one got that edge, which makes it feel much deeper to me)

Summer learnings of a trans woman

Summer learnings of a trans woman - Blog-Beitrag von Model Sophie / 03.10.2023 19:54

Puberty is a time span of ten years. – But if you start your transition afterwards, you will go into a second puberty, into a second time span of 10 years. But this puberty is much harder. We transitioners trying to catch up everything we missed. – While having a fixed identity from our first puberty. – And beyond the experiences from the new identity, we have to overcome old socialisation and patterns, of our non-conforming gender behaviour, which crashes into our daily life, while we're facing a lot of changes in our mind (and hopefully bodies), by the new hormone level.

And we're working against 100 reasons of shame, 1000 obstacles in the mirror, and some very deep written pictures of cis-gender in our-selves and others. And one of the main duties in transition, is to glue all this together, into one human, one existence, into one life.

Transition can be a full-time job. But you have to cope with it, as one task from multiple others: Earning money, looking for help, care for family members, explaining yourself to the world (even if you don't have an explanation for yourself), attend the gym, cooking, maintaining other relation*ships, filling your social media accounts and office chair and feeding the cat.

We learning, to accept ourself, the status quo, becoming patient in dozens of topics (e.g., legal changes, changes by hormones, etc), and we adopt new behaviours, changing old pattern and requesting ourself always: “Is the person, I’m becoming now, feeling right?”

Or do we behave like copycats, who overtook some strange behaviour or styles, which didn't fit into your life and beings, because we wrongly assume, they belong to our official gender now.

I'm in the middle of my second 10-year puberty, and I learned a lot during this summer. First and most important: Pain is for growing, and I hope, I dived into any stitch which was presented me, by this summer. – I learned, how to cope with my phases of trans-downness in a better way, and about my optimal reaction of getting misgendered. (I understood now, that this is like a Terry-Pratchett message, out of the parallel existing universe of cis-heteronormativity.)

I also meet persons, I thought, 'Wow I would like to date!', and that I will use the non-binding term "dating" in future. Stopping the desire for a never-ending-true-deep-love-lifetime relationship. – Spending two evenings per week together, giving our skin touches and kisses to your necks, should be adequate to stay healthy and enough to push each other into a stable state. – But this means a lot of honest communication. (So maybe it's easier to stay in the never-ending-love narrative.)

This is what I learned in my summer of '23.


Day-and-Night-Dance - Blog-Beitrag von Fotograf Andreas Ebner / 06.09.2023 14:32

Ich tanze den ganzen Tag. Die ganze Nacht.

Meinen leichten Umhang schwinge ich durch die Luft. Die spüre ich, die Luft. Sie liebkost meinen Körper, streicht leicht über die Haut. Sie berührt mich überall und bleibt doch umsichtig, zurückhaltend.

Ich schwinge mich der Luft entgegen, gebe mich ihr hin, lasse mich ganz von ihr einhüllen.


Eine schwungvolle Tanzeinlage der magischen Maria G.

Verstecker Kampf

Verstecker Kampf - Blog-Beitrag von Fotograf Andreas Ebner / 02.09.2023 17:58

Der innere Kampf bleibt verborgen. Niemand sieht, wie du dich abmühst. Niemand fühlt mit dir. Du kämpst alleine. Womöglich als Don Quijote gegen Windmühlen. Oder weniger spektakulär in deiner stillen Kammer.

Wände zu stark, durchbrechen vermagst du keine davon.

Seile zu fest, zerreißen kannst du sie nicht.

Ausgestreckt oder zusammengekauert, Hilfe suchst du, Hilfe brauchst du.

Ein emotionales Shooting mit Maria Gavrilyuk


Durchblick - Blog-Beitrag von Fotograf Andreas Ebner / 23.08.2023 11:37

Manchmal ist es nötig, gut zu fokussieren, um den Durchblick zu behalten. Das gilt auch im übertragenen Sinn.

Bei dem Shooting mit Iryna habe ich den Durchblick mittels der von der Location gebotenen Möglichkeiten realisiert. Und manchmal verdeckt sie selbst mit ihrem Körper den Durchblick. Mein Dank geht an ein wundervolles, ausdruckstarkes Model.

Teilnehmer: Model Iryna Berdnyk