two minutes later

two minutes later - Blog-Beitrag von Fotograf Andreas Puhl / 10.08.2024 16:20

made with my mamiya on Fuji FP-100, which has been expired for more than ten years.

Last week we implemented the idea again after three years.

I asked this community about the reuse of an older idea and decided that it doesn't matter and that I don't care if someone likes it or not.

Revisiting The Scene

Revisiting The Scene - Blog-Beitrag von Fotograf Clint / 04.08.2024 06:24

It's hard to believe but my wonderful model had to remind me that this entire trip had occurred! In my defense, it was an especially productive few months and she and I had been on an absolute tear across the countryside with absolutely epic shoots tumbling over one another. I had looked at this one and been a bit disappointed in myself and set it aside for almost a year until getting a nudge. Models, don't hesitate to nudge your photographers! I was juggling running a small production company, carrying out a summer season of music festivals and events, cramming shoots into every bit of spare time I could find and, yeah, forgetting to look closely at every little thing in the moment! I'm so glad she did.

This next week we're going to take a couple days to get out and shoot again — Jordan has relocated to the magnificent Desert SW and we haven't seen each other in a few years so this is going to be new fun all over again! One of the ideas in my mind is to revisit this location and mood but shoot it with six years more experience. Will it work? Will it be different? Can we recapture the wild magic that we found the first time? I tend to shy away from repeating things. When I started I remember seeing a guy in Austria who posted picture after picture, always a different model but always the same LOOK — the model emerging from a mountain lake in bondage-y harness gear. From the looks of it he planted a camera at the edge of the lake and had "those settings" ready to go. Looked like a multi-light setup, certainly more complicated than a lot of my natural light endeavors. But my takeaway was that I would cut my own wrists if I took the same picture every time. So for the last eight years I have restlessly challenged myself with new ideas and new looks, from early experiments in saturated light to an emphasis on natural light and camping adventures, to more recent thinking about strobe infill and creating sets in unusual locations.

We'll use this hot summer to do some revisiting. Maybe I can find something interesting in it!!


Bodyart - Blog-Beitrag von Fotograf Uwe Trenkner / 03.08.2024 10:43

Das Lichtbild -ganz ursprünglich- als Veränderung von lichtemfindlichen Kristallen auf der Zelluloidschicht. Ein Tattoo bringt die Farbpigmente unter die Hautschicht, den Bildträger gewissermaßen. Diese Veränderungen lassen ein Bild entstehen, erschaffen Symbole und erzählen Geschichten. Das eine in einer hundertfünfundzanstigstel einer Sekunde festgehalten, fast beiläufig, unmerklich. Das andere in stundenlanger Arbeit in einem monatelangen Prozess erschaffen mit einer intensiven Empfindung verbunden.

Wenn der Mensch vor der Kamera seine Version von seinem Tattoo vermittelt, dies adäquat in ein eigenes Bild zu überführen, das sind die Momente für die ich Bodyart fotografiere.