
Empathy - Blog-Beitrag von Model Lysann / 12.12.2019 09:00

Like last winter, we would like to support the Berliner Stadtmission (on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/berliner_stadtmission/?hl=de ) (Berlin city mission) and the Kältebus Berlin (on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/kaeltebus.berlin/ ). The Kältebus is already on the road again every day until next March and helps the weakest people on the periphery of our society to survive this winter.

The Kältebus team regularly visits the homeless on the street and drives them to a safe place to stay overnight if they wish. The Kältebus crew first try to talk to them, offer their help, a cup of hot tea or a warm sleeping bag.

The photographer, Daniel Anhut, will offer prints/calendars for sale and use the profits directly for this fundraising campaign. You can also donate directly for the fundraiser. If you have questions or want to support this fundraiser please get in touch.

You can find the donation campaign on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/donate/3202378403137579/

Thank you for your support!

Teilnehmer: Fotograf Daniel Anhut Fotografie

Silencing the Noise

Silencing the Noise - Blog-Beitrag von Fotograf Jörg Oestreich / 23.11.2019 22:41

I have been lost for so long; as if I took a wrong turn somewhere along the way. No words can describe the loneliness I feel, as I look around; yet somehow it becomes a cure, silencing the noise, calming the waves, quietly luring me to a place where I become numb but strangely at peace. A dangerously soothing place. However, deep down I long for nothing more than to be free, burning with passion for what I love. – Vici Edwards

Take care of your garden

Take care of your garden - Blog-Beitrag von Fotograf Patrick Vantroyen / 02.11.2019 13:35

Es gibt nichts Wertvolleres als auf das zu achten, was dich ausmacht. Es zu pflegen, wachsen zu lassen, es wert zu schätzen. Wen lasse ich rein in meinen Garten? Wen erlaube ich, ihn mit zu gestalten? Wer darf Dinge in mir raus reißen, wer was – Gutes – pflanzen.

Achte auf Deinen Garten

There’s nothing more valuable than looking at what you are. To take care of it, to let it grow, to appreciate it. Who do I let into my garden? Who do I allow to help shape it? Who can tear things out of me, who can plant what is good.

Pay attention to your garden