Vote for the Cover of STRKNG Editors’ Selection – #34

Vote for the Cover of STRKNG Editors' Selection - #34 - Blog-Beitrag von  STRKNG / 15.07.2019 13:59

Please help us to find the next cover image for our issue "STRKNG Editors’ Selection – #34" and comment with your favorite image number.

1 Ghost of Love – © Anna Avramenko Abstraction

2 Untitled – © Benedetta Falugi

3 Call me Hector – © Daniel Good

4 Untitled – © Francesco Sambati

5 walk away – © polo d

6 Summer times… – © HANNES WINDRATH

7 .no… – © Dorotheya

8 Farewell Letter – © Elisa Scascitelli

9 Find me, I beg you, find me/ – © wildwoodssoul

Only one vote per person. Thank you!

Voting ends Wednesday 17th July 23:55h MET

Teilnehmer: Model Anna Abstraction / Fotografin Benedetta Falugi / Fotograf Daniel Good / Fotografin Elisa Scascitelli / Fotograf Francesco Sambati / Fotograf HANNES WINDRATH / Fotograf polod / Fotografin wildwoodssoul

Lotter Strasse

Lotter Strasse - Blog-Beitrag von Fotograf Rafael S. / 06.07.2019 18:00

So kann´s halt gehen:

Für eine Portraitserie musste, wer auch immer mir vor das Objektiv kam und ungeachtet vorbeirauschender Autos, in der Strassenmitte posen. Gedacht war das Ergebnis dieser Aktion als Ausstellung eines kleinen, alternativen Café`s in eben dieser Strasse.

Leider war das Café schneller pleite, als ich mit meinen Portraits fertig…

Sei`s drum – wir hatten extrem witzige Shootings und wahre Hupkonzerte vor allem von testosterongeplagten BMW-Fahrern Anfang/Mitte zwanzig.

Genau dort Portraits zu machen (nun eben ohne Ausstellung), ist mittlerweile zur kleinen Tradition geworden. Wer auch immer vor meine Kamera kommt, wird sich unter anderem dort wiederfinden. Seid willkommen 🙂

Classical portraits

Classical portraits - Blog-Beitrag von Fotograf Ronald Wanke / 04.07.2019 20:37

Obwohl ich inzwischen meine Modelle lieber "on location" ablichte, gehe ich für meine Reihe klassischer Portraitaufnahmen zwischendurch immer mal wieder ins Studio. Die entspannte Atmosphäre, in der die Aufnahmen entstehen, mag ich besonders. Kein Dauerfeuer der Studioblitze, kein wildes Posing der Modelle, dafür nette Gespräche und im Hintergrund leise ruhige Musik… Nur eine Klimaanlage wäre schick 😉

Daily renews the Phoenix

Daily renews the Phoenix - Blog-Beitrag von Fotograf Jörg Oestreich / 07.06.2019 12:47

Vergangen ist mein altes Leben.

In Asche und Staub versunken.

Nicht aufzuhaltende Veränderungen

Wie schnell ein Leben sich verlebt.

Der Schmerz des Sturzes liegt in meiner Seele

Erlebtes nur schwer am Boden.

Umgefallene Mauern hinterlassen Muster

Jeder Stein hat seine eigene Geschichte.

Zeit fließt, ist schon ein neuer Tag ?

Ich erhebe mich.

Sammle die Reste meiner Asche

und forme mich.

Kräfte sammeln. Alles ist neu.

Ich wachse hinauf ins Licht.

Das Leben fühlen, mutig und frisch.

Wundersamer Lauf der Dinge.

Phönix aus der Asche – Ina M.


Ceylon-Manchester - Blog-Beitrag von Fotograf DEWFRAME / 09.05.2019 00:09

Seems the problem of "inheritance of history" is a key moment in the ability of modern* society to remove old prisms, understanding the feelings of different groups. It’s normal if you need the code to remember anyway. Now is now, and becomes to be the norm by its nature. Leaving the old toys, we begin to trust sincere estimates. What if the past is in your hands? Tell yourself what to do with it, because it’s a reason to empathize. Even to stay alone, but speak honestly.


In frame: Emma

Inherited memories are depersonalized and retold. Having received huge pieces of the old, globally divided world, we unite it in our own way, trying to respect negations, although it was no easier than invent a new full-fledged legend. This is a distortion of the facts, and you know it. The perceived desire for interconnection through new events resumes in recompilations of past.

Do you notice that in the global context a second derivative of cultural appropriation has arisen? Logically developed model. First reason to make a separation. Could have a community way to begin converse from scratch? The "stairs" destroed. However, it is obvious to me where is no respect for any personal evolution of the participants the process turns into a game with new rules. In order to convince someone that the characters are not what they seem. What to do with them when the symbols do not even relate to each other?

Traveled path, reassessment and justification of certain decisions in the past. On the scales now all strategies, morals and relative judgments. The capricious changes in decades consists in the fundamental principle of historical justice. But explain this new sincerity, where the story calls to drop the whole past! Otherwise, despite the risks, the memories are not so important. It’s like preserving established boundaries — a tradition. The point is not in the accuracy of the lines, but in following the conviction that the line between peoples and worlds becomes conditional. Borders have less importance. Empathizing, we rise.

— When I read her those book…

A person who isn’t burdened with assessing the actions of his ancestors, but having the inherited symbols from the different times (with different reasons for their appearance) already transferring its modern actions to this surface. May I look a little… The accumulated experience confirms that your culture is involved in what is happening today.

Does history insure against errors? Controversial. Could someone to bear this on self, as a question that has no solid answer?