Category: Performance
Gitarrist im Studio
Ballerina – Fine Art
Meine Auswahl von einem sehr facettenreichen Shooting gemeinsam mit einer professionellen Ballett Tänzerin. Ballett ist ein sehr ausdrucksstarker und ästhetischer Tanzstil – weshalb die Posen in meinen Augen sehr gut einhergehen mit klassischen Aktaufnahme, besonders in Schwarz-Weiss. Denke diese Serie stellt das wunderbar unter Beweis.
Dance is life
Dance is discipline, work, teaching, communication. With it we spare words that perhaps others would not understand and we establish a universal language, familiar to all. It gives us pleasure, makes us free and comforts us from the impossibility that we humans have of flying like birds, it brings us closer to heaven, to the sacred, to infinity. It is a sublime art, always different, similar to making love, which at the end of each performance leaves our heart beating fast, hoping for the next time.
(Julio Mouth)
blind dance (CobosMika Seeds program)
Dancers continue their formation through programs around the world. I am lucky enough to be able to record the work of the CobosMika Seeds program at Vall Llobrega on the Costa Brava in Spain. In this exercise, the dances are moving blindly helped at times by the contact they have with others. Promising young dances are selected fom applicants after auditiones and come mainly from European countries but there are also some from the Americas and Australasia