From Heliography to AI

From Heliography to AI - Blog-Beitrag von Fotograf Streetmax21 / 26.11.2024 11:42

Esplanade150618 and Esplanade210721 can be seen in "From Heliography to AI: Celebrating Photographic Diversity" at Valid World Hall, Barcelona from December 9-19. Esplanade150618 is the curator's choice of Zsolt Bátori, Director of PH21 Gallery, Budapest.

Why I Switched to Full Black and White Photography

Why I Switched to Full Black and White Photography - Blog-Beitrag von Fotograf Alex Coghe / 27.09.2024 15:23

Hey friends, I wanted to share a personal decision I made recently that’s changed the way I approach photography. After a lot of thought, I’ve committed to shooting exclusively in black and white. This isn’t some grand statement or advice for anyone else, just something that feels right for me and the way I want to work.

By shooting only in black and white, I find a certain clarity—it simplifies everything. I also only shoot in JPG now, which keeps my workflow seamless. I treat my cameras like they’re monochrome-only, which means I’m always thinking in black and white, and I don’t second-guess myself with color later on. This helps me focus all my energy on the things that matter most to me—storytelling through street photography and portraits—without the distractions that color can sometimes bring.

For me, the decision to let go of color was more about gaining consistency in my vision. There’s something freeing about that renunciation. It’s not about better or worse, but by stripping things back to black and white, I’ve found it allows me to focus entirely on the emotions, expressions, and structure of the image.

It’s also my way of staying true to what I love about street photography, especially in a world where so much is shot in color for festivals and awards. I wanted to carve my own path, and this just feels like the most honest way for me to do that.

Again, this is just what works for me—everyone’s journey in photography is different—but for now, this is mine.