January 2022: Chasing the low sun and long shadows

January 2022: Chasing the low sun and long shadows - Blog-Beitrag von Fotografin Deborah Swain / 30.01.2022 19:22

Days of winter.

The weather in Rome is often good in January. Limpid azure skies, a low sun and long shadows make for a light that is unique to this time of year. The start of 2022 didn’t disappoint in this respect.

Right at the start of the new year I made a kind of resolution that in 2022 I would post fewer images on social media, step off the treadmill of feeding the beast, and instead focus on choosing a handful of my best shots at the end of each month. This does rather fly in the opposite direction of the trending 365 project, and the pressure to post something every day, but that’s fine by me.

For this blog in particular I set myself the task of choosing just two favourite shots this month that evoke January in Rome for me. Happy New Year!

The last 2 months on the street

The last 2 months on the street - Blog-Beitrag von Fotograf Alex Coghe / 26.01.2022 14:41

In the last 2 months I photographed on the street using an old DSLR, released in 2011, the Canon RebelT3/1100D.

Someone thought and even said that my choice was crazy and that good cameras are at least from 2017 onwards. I believe that the work I am proposing and which is also appreciated here on stkrng is the best answer. I am also convinced that the message conveyed by this choice of mine can be an example for many photographers who are starting out. There is really no need to have a recently released camera.

If a professional can work well with a 10-year-old camera then the whole marketing structure that revolves around cameras falls apart.

Those who know me know that I have been an ambassador for a camera brand in the past. Today I am an ambassador of photography, of what is important, much more than relying on the latest generation cameras, on vision, ideas and skills.

I wish you a great new year with a lot of street photos

I wish you a great new year with a lot of street photos - Blog-Beitrag von Fotograf Alex Coghe / 29.12.2021 17:46

With this post I want to wish a happy new year to all the photographers here on strkng. May the new year bring you many photographic and personal satisfactions.

This year I discovered this platform and I enjoyed to share my work with all the community. I think we need spaces like this, because also photography is menaced under the umbrella of politically correct and the limitations to freedom, more and more stringent in any part of the world.

We the photographers are the witness of our time and we have a mission: to show the world as it is.

This is Street Photography

This is Street Photography - Blog-Beitrag von Fotograf Alex Coghe / 27.11.2021 16:28

The Street Photography that I love.

Raw. Unposed. Instinctive.

What i find on the streets.

These photographs made during a day in downtown. Completely immersed in the city.

Imperfect photography influenced by the mindset.

A way of learning about myself and the others.

A Street Photography vision

A Street Photography vision - Blog-Beitrag von Fotograf Alex Coghe / 12.11.2021 14:47

In constant visual provocation inside and outside myself.

A permanent condition of my being that leads me to constant communication between the internal and external world.

Doing street photography is part of me in every moment.

Far. Close. In a sort of justified distancing depending only on the photographic action required.

Expressions and gestures. The position of bodies in space.

The construction of the frame that passes through instants.

Urban geometry and umbrellas: a rainy day in Rome

Urban geometry and umbrellas: a rainy day in Rome - Blog-Beitrag von Fotografin Deborah Swain / 04.11.2021 00:21

Sometimes the simplest of thematic ideas present themselves. We may enjoy many warm and sunny days throughout the year in Rome, Italy, but when it does rain here, it really pours; rarely does it merely drizzle. (Fun fact: annual rainfall in the eternal city actually exceeds that of London.) When the heavens opened recently on a mild autumn day, the city was instantly transformed: wet streets, gleaming San Pietrini cobblestones, umbrellas everywhere, and a sudden quickening of pace by Romans and tourists caught out by the storm. The Ricoh GR II doesn’t love wet weather, but armed with an umbrella and a lens hood, I managed just fine. Here are some of my favourite shots from that day.