I wish you a great new year with a lot of street photos

I wish you a great new year with a lot of street photos - Blog-Beitrag von Fotograf Alex Coghe / 29.12.2021 17:46

With this post I want to wish a happy new year to all the photographers here on strkng. May the new year bring you many photographic and personal satisfactions.

This year I discovered this platform and I enjoyed to share my work with all the community. I think we need spaces like this, because also photography is menaced under the umbrella of politically correct and the limitations to freedom, more and more stringent in any part of the world.

We the photographers are the witness of our time and we have a mission: to show the world as it is.

This is Street Photography

This is Street Photography - Blog-Beitrag von Fotograf Alex Coghe / 27.11.2021 16:28

The Street Photography that I love.

Raw. Unposed. Instinctive.

What i find on the streets.

These photographs made during a day in downtown. Completely immersed in the city.

Imperfect photography influenced by the mindset.

A way of learning about myself and the others.

A Street Photography vision

A Street Photography vision - Blog-Beitrag von Fotograf Alex Coghe / 12.11.2021 14:47

In constant visual provocation inside and outside myself.

A permanent condition of my being that leads me to constant communication between the internal and external world.

Doing street photography is part of me in every moment.

Far. Close. In a sort of justified distancing depending only on the photographic action required.

Expressions and gestures. The position of bodies in space.

The construction of the frame that passes through instants.

Urban geometry and umbrellas: a rainy day in Rome

Urban geometry and umbrellas: a rainy day in Rome - Blog-Beitrag von Fotografin Deborah Swain / 04.11.2021 00:21

Sometimes the simplest of thematic ideas present themselves. We may enjoy many warm and sunny days throughout the year in Rome, Italy, but when it does rain here, it really pours; rarely does it merely drizzle. (Fun fact: annual rainfall in the eternal city actually exceeds that of London.) When the heavens opened recently on a mild autumn day, the city was instantly transformed: wet streets, gleaming San Pietrini cobblestones, umbrellas everywhere, and a sudden quickening of pace by Romans and tourists caught out by the storm. The Ricoh GR II doesn’t love wet weather, but armed with an umbrella and a lens hood, I managed just fine. Here are some of my favourite shots from that day.

Street Photography and being there

Street Photography and being there - Blog-Beitrag von Fotograf Alex Coghe / 25.10.2021 17:45

This year I pushed my limits. Especially in the places where I go to photograph.

A different awareness of the city and how I live it contributes. My cameras are anonymous and not flashy. My approach is careful and respectful. I am not crazy and I know where I enter, in what context, what generates the sight of someone who sees himself as a foreigner even if set. My way of walking is that of a chilango, that is, of an inhabitant of Mexico City.

For twelve years here and doing my street photography every day. Although seeing the images someone doesn’t recognize certain environments as dangerous I can assure you that not everyone can afford to go where I go. So why I go in certain, tough places? It is because certain places are able to give me what I am looking for: a raw and real portrait of the Mexican culture.

I believe that Street Photography can’t be something made only where tourists go.

This is my profession and my mission.