Vote for the Cover of STRKNG Editors’ Selection – #32

Vote for the Cover of STRKNG Editors' Selection - #32 - Blog-Beitrag von  STRKNG / 06.05.2019 13:18

Please help us to find the next cover image for our issue "STRKNG Editors’ Selection – #32" and comment with your favorite image number.

1 »Summer« © Photographer Nishe

2 »Lidia running in the field« © Photographer artkphoto

3 © Photographer Francesco Rizzato

4 »we will fade« © Photographer Stefan Beutler

5 »Tub« © Photographer Lucy Marti

6 »Dance« © Model Lysann

7 »dream« © Photographer maryvjaer with Model sophie.srm

8 »Wooden Chair – Kollodium Nassplatte« © Photographer Kollektivmaschine with Model londoncoffee3

9 »Flowers« © Photographer Volker Stocker

Only one vote per person. Thank you!

Voting ends Sunday 12th May 23:55h MET

Teilnehmer: Fotograf Francesco Rizzato / Fotograf Kollektivmaschine / Model londoncoffee3 / Fotografin Luciana Marti / Model Lysann / Fotografin maryvjaer / Fotografin Nishe / Fotograf Stefan Beutler / Fotograf Volker Stocker


DEMIR - Blog-Beitrag von Fotograf Karl-Heinz Weege / 06.05.2019 11:31

Demir ist Hairstylist und Male-Model. Unser erstes Treffen war 2018 auf Schloss Hundisburg, wo diese Bildserie entstanden ist. Wir teilen inzwischen die Leidenschaft intensive Portraits, gern auch in Monochrom zu machen. Für mich ist es immer eine Herausforderung auch selbstbewusste Männer in Szene zu setzen, dominante Wesenszüge einzufangen.


TANZEN - Blog-Beitrag von Fotograf Mario von Oculario / 06.05.2019 11:30

Wir haben vergessen wer wir sind.

Sobald wir unbefangen auf unsere Kinder schauen erinnern wir uns, sehen neidisch zu und können es nicht fassen.

Lasst uns Kind sein.

Frei und unbeschwert.

Musik an und ab dafür.

Lasst uns tanzen.

Hidden Faces

Hidden Faces - Blog-Beitrag von Fotografin Astrid Susanna Schulz / 05.05.2019 19:49

The series "Hidden Faces" was inspired by my own (hobby-)model time. At that time (2012) it was very important to me to protect my identity when taking nudes. The world is becoming more convervative, images are spreading very quickly on the Internet. Nudity or Fine Art Nude Photography is not always considered art, but shameless or worse. Professional or private disadvantages can arise for people. That is why it is important to me to protect the identity of my models, especially because they are normal people and not professional nude models. As a photographer I approached nude photography in a playful way and used various "objects" to hide faces. Anonymous nude has a special appeal for me, because it is challenging to stage the naked person without revealing his oder her face.


Iida - Blog-Beitrag von Fotografin Risu / 03.05.2019 16:23

Over the last few months I invited strangers into my tiny appartment in the middle of Tokyo and spent an afternoon shooting with them. Iida was one of them.


Jessie - Blog-Beitrag von Fotograf Rainer Moster / 03.05.2019 14:59

Wir kennen uns seit vielen Jahren sehr, sehr gut, fotografieren nicht zum ersten Mal. Diese Serie, die mich sehr glücklich macht, entstand in meinem Studio in Speyer.