Editors’ Selection – #22

Editors' Selection - #22 - Blog-Beitrag von  STRKNG / 04.05.2018 15:20

Cover: »Awareness« | © Photograper Francesco Sambati

Many thanks to the contributors!

17einhalb· 35mm· adina salome h.· alex omarsson· alexia estévez· alicja brodowicz· andreas puhl· andreas vekinis· anne wolf· arber· atmospherics· belmondophotography· benedikt ernst· chris hieronimus· christian richter· christian rusa· cornel· cyanidemishka· dani mariz· daniel gütschow· david broz· dennis ramos· dunkelgrau.fotografie· elvira kolerova· elysianmay· emmanuelle brisson· felixinden· florian selig· fotobysg· francesco sambati· giacomo brunelli· grégoire a. meyer· hdphotographie· himitsuhana· hmsart· jarek januszewski· jelenaosmolovska· jenzflare· jk photographie· jo grabowski· jörg oestreich· jw.fotrait· kopfbild· kubagrafie· lee acaster· lichtformart· londoncoffee3· luiz filipe· mamo artografie· marcus engler· mark kinrade· martin neuhof· martina grabinsky· martinvondunk· massimiliano balo’· matthias naumann· maurook· meike_i· miss souls· mkaesler· narkissa· narnya imbrin· ömer ateş kızıltuğ· onur alagöz· osamu jinguji· pascal wiedemann· patrick leube· pauline ello· peter heidel· photography peter christopher· pixelbutze | photography· raico rosenberg· raimundl79· ralf v. leoprechting· robert landes· ruinenstaat· ruslan hrushchak· sarah_whrh· sasowewi· sermon fortapelsson· simone· soulprint fotodesign· suzan· svartalfar· sven kietzke· thorsten gieseler· tim· tor 61· ungemuetlich· valeria schettino· victor gomez· vivien· vivienne b· we are just a moment in time· woodcum

Teilnehmer: Fotograf Francesco Sambati

Red Spots

Red Spots - Blog-Beitrag von Fotograf Formofadrop / 02.05.2018 22:53

"Red Spots" is my new project. The intention is to create a trap for the viewer. Red is the coldest and irritating color. By placing a red dot at the end of the golden spiral my attention starts to jump from the subject to this irritating point and back. I found it quite amusing. :)) If this works the same way for you, please let me know!


ANIMAL MYTHOS - Blog-Beitrag von Fotograf Rob Linsalata / 01.05.2018 14:25

ANIMAL MYTHOS is a collection of stories about our ancestral and primal connection to our animals kin.

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Primal, nocturnal, ritualistic and dark, our bond with our ancestral kin is in our blood. From spirit animals to archetypes, ANIMAL MYTHOS is a collection of visual stories about our ancient connection to our animal kin — and the animal within us all. From the shared lore that connects our disparate cultures to the place animalistic imagery occupies in our dreams, there is a part of all of us that is drawn to both the majesty of animals and at the same time those more visceral aspects of our ancient selves. 


Bartspiele - Blog-Beitrag von Fotografin Schiwa Rose / 30.04.2018 11:16

der Bart des Mannes, manchmal ein Statement, manchmal Ausdruck der Individualität.

Besonders, wenn die Haare auf dem Kopf fehlen, wird der Bart als "Ersatz" genommen 😉

Natürlich ist er noch dran, der Bart, so einen kann man doch nicht abschneiden 😉


Hanna - Blog-Beitrag von Fotografin Maria Schäfer Photography / 27.04.2018 16:59

Hannas first time in front of a camera. Wanted to take photos of her for more than a year and finally I got them and more than I expected.

A few pictures are taken with a diy lens which is similar to freelensing but without freelensing.