Streets of Oaxaca

Streets of Oaxaca - Blog-Beitrag von Fotograf Alex Coghe / 19.08.2021 15:32

I am at home in Oaxaca, a city and a state in Mexico that I have elected as the city where I will one day go to live.I usually go to Oaxaca for my photographic expeditions, the Guelaguetza one in summer and the Dia de Muertos one in October / November.In Oaxaca I also worked for NGO, documenting the human condition of inhabitants of the central valley and Mixteca region. This means that my work there is largely documentary and journalistic.

However, I happen to take some street photos, and I think in particular Oaxaca de Juarez, the capital of the state of Oaxaca is great for street photography. For this reason now I am providing street photography experiences also there.

The images you see here are just a small example, and not even the best made there. All made in 2019, the photos reflect a little bit of what the charming Oaxaca can give us. Some of them realized in villages around Oaxaca where emerges the rural nature of a magic land.