Classical portrait

Classical portrait - Blog-Beitrag von Fotograf Ronald Wanke / 22.08.2021 16:46

Nicht zuletzt pandemiebedingt hielten sich meine Aktivitäten in den letzten Monaten in Grenzen, aber ein paar wenige Gelegenheiten, neue Gesichter kennenzulernen und meine Reihe fortzusetzen, habe ich dann doch noch nutzen können. So besuchten Maryna, Amanda und Linda mich im Studio. Es war mir ein Fest 🙂

Streets of Oaxaca

Streets of Oaxaca - Blog-Beitrag von Fotograf Alex Coghe / 19.08.2021 15:32

I am at home in Oaxaca, a city and a state in Mexico that I have elected as the city where I will one day go to live.I usually go to Oaxaca for my photographic expeditions, the Guelaguetza one in summer and the Dia de Muertos one in October / November.In Oaxaca I also worked for NGO, documenting the human condition of inhabitants of the central valley and Mixteca region. This means that my work there is largely documentary and journalistic.

However, I happen to take some street photos, and I think in particular Oaxaca de Juarez, the capital of the state of Oaxaca is great for street photography. For this reason now I am providing street photography experiences also there.

The images you see here are just a small example, and not even the best made there. All made in 2019, the photos reflect a little bit of what the charming Oaxaca can give us. Some of them realized in villages around Oaxaca where emerges the rural nature of a magic land.

STRKNG – Editors’ Selection – #53

STRKNG - Editors' Selection - #53 - Blog-Beitrag von  STRKNG / 19.08.2021 13:40

100 striking images · 2020-07-28 – 2020-09-03

Cover: Sunshine – © Bogdan Bousca & Irina ludosanu

Many Thanks to the contributors:

a m· albert finch· aleksandr sabelnikov· andrew w pilling· andy komoll· anna försterling· axel hansmann· axel schneegass· bernard lipiński· bernie rothauer· bogdan bousca· carsten schenker· claudy b.· col_shots· constantyearing· corado stock· denis peaudeau· devite· doreen seifert· dovileparis· ed wight· elena kiselyova· eliza loveheart· emily· emmanuelle yaneva· erik gross· erik witsoe· esprit confus· eugene reno· evangelia· felixbrokbals· flyke· frank pudel· gregor sticker· hans-martin doelz· heinz hagenbucher· hetocy· huy lee· inner destruction· jens taube· jérôme scullino· josé bringas· kai mueller· karl-heinz weege· klingklong· kostiantyn baran· laurent askienazy· lisa·· lysann· manuela deigert· marilla muriel· mark huesken· mark p· marta glińska· marta.enigma· mathew· me an atheist (krzysiek śliwaq)· mehdi mokhtari· michael hemingway· michał magdziak· nielsfechtel· papadoxx-fotografie· peacocks feather· peculiar.mind· peter tkáč· philomena famulok· photographer tetsuro higashi· r.e.m.i· ralf schmitz (· renke bargmann· rolf florschuetz· rouven kurz· rrr diaz· schieflicht· sergey sivushkin· sirena wren· spiros litsas· sven-kristian wolf· thomas ringhofer· torsten köster· torsten kuban· trostheide· tunguska.rdm· unal colin· vincent gauthier· zander neuman

Teilnehmer: Fotograf Bogdan Bousca / Model Irina ludosanu

Smoking in Georgia

Smoking in Georgia - Blog-Beitrag von Fotograf Franz von O. / 18.08.2021 19:43

First of all: People / Portrait is – unfortunately – not "my" genre. I don’t know why but I am of the opinion that you have to be born as a portrait photographer…or even not. But it doesn’t stop me from trying…

So here is the litte story:

I was in Georgia (not US-State, haha) and I went into a building that was a hotel several decades before. Now there are appartments in it and a large a art studio in which this man lives. I met him because a friend in Georgia knows him well. Sadly I can’t remember his name but he is an artist (painting) from Georgia. If someone knows, please tell me!

So we walked into his studio without ringing the bell or an invitation. It’s quiet normal in Georgia… He sat in a chair next to a small table drinking some tea. He was happy to see his friend and me. I didn’t understand any word while he was talking gently to our mutual friend making some jokes (as far as I "understood"). But suddenly he turned to me and said intensely: "Take a picture while I’m smoking". I was a bit confused but he took a cigarette and started to smoke right away. Then he walked to a magnifying glass in a dark corner of the studio which he uses for his paintings. He just stared at me through that glass. He didn’t say any word and stared and stared and stared.

So I went a few step to him – not saying any word – and took only 10 pictures as he suddenly turned back to our friend who was waiting at the table and started to grin. It was a litte bit weired but also "magic".

Here are the best shots to me…

Hope you enjoy!

City Ruins

City Ruins - Blog-Beitrag von Fotograf RaphaelLechner / 17.08.2021 18:51

Following up on my last post, heres another preview of my upcoming project called "Sól".

I met up with Maria early in the morning to shoot a series in this beautiful location near Munich.

Architecture has always been a big influence on my and my work and combining nature and artificial stuff was really inspiring me.

Shot on Location in Munich, Germany.

Sony A7 III / 35mm 1.8