Photographing by the car

Photographing by the car - Blog-Beitrag von Fotograf Alex Coghe / 05.10.2021 15:15

Last week I traveled north to south along the Mexico City suburb with an uber. With my manual lens I photographed what seemed interesting to me. We were traveling at a speed of over 100 KM per hour. This requires the ability to preview and compose quickly. Not everything is perfect and there is the luck component that becomes a more relevant factor.

Shooting at 1/1000 sec. I make sure I don’t have a blurry photo. I focus on the essential: buildings that seem interesting to me, structures and graphics, the essentials that make me go home with a large number of photographs that show different places that from the point where I am can only be photographed from the camera.

I am thinking of Lee Friedlander and Joel Meyerowitz, two photographers who did an unforgettable work from the car.